How is a urine infection test performed? Boticaria García explains how to interpret the results

Poticaria Garcia exposed urine infection test They are “a close cousin” of other self-diagnostic tests, such as pregnancy or ovulation tests.These are carried out by collecting a urine sample in a container in which test strips After a few minutes, the results can be interpreted.

The expert clarified that she did not directly measure bacteria but indirectly, because it evaluates protein anyone nitrite This phenomenon occurs in urine due to the presence of bacteria, or white blood cellsthey are the “police of the human body”.

After the test is complete, if no fields change color, the result is negative, but if symptoms persist or worsen, you should consult your doctor.However, if any area is affected Color changesIt could mean the presence of white blood cells (“an indicator of inflammatory disease of the urinary tract”), nitrites (“which occurs when bacteria are present”) or protein (“which occurs when kidney disease is present”), he said.

“They have more than one 90% reliability“Boticaria said that if the result is positive, he recommends seeing a doctor. When is the best time to see a doctor? This is recommended Urinating for the first time in the morning and warns to avoid testing on the following days menstruation Because results can change, this test should be done at least three days after it is completed.

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