The origin of the Tarazona gastroenteritis epidemic is Soria

three weeks after announcement Unprecedented gastroenteritis outbreak Depart from Tarazona 498 affectedYes, there is another certainty: Parasite causing contamination of Quailes River discovered Province of Soria. The Ministry of Health of the Government of Aragon made the statement this Monday based on the results of an analysis of the vaccines collected last Tuesday at three different locations in the first district of Quiles, in the neighboring community of Castile and León.

The point is The district administration is yet to clarify the exact part where the oocysts were located. This protozoa belongs to “Cryptosporidium”. One of the samples was taken a few meters from the source of the Quiles River and the other was taken in the river channel until it passed through the core of Vozmediano (the section of the river where it is located) a fish farm), and the third is the province of Zaragoza.

From the DGA and the Junta of Castile and León Declined to specify the area where the microbe was found It’s not his level of concentration either. Sources at the National Guard’s Nature Conservation Service (Seprona) explained that their role is to “guarantee the safekeeping of the material” until it reaches the laboratory of the company Ematsa responsible for analysis, one of the four accredited laboratories . Spain tests water for “Cryptosporidium” through the National Certification Agency (ENAC).

A Tarazona resident collects water from a water tank in the parking lot of Eguaras on Monday

A Tarazona resident collects water from a water tank in the parking lot of Eguaras on Monday
Tarazona City Hall

he Mayor TuriasonTono Jaray shows off his “Concerned” this is not a “specific issue”“Because it has been dealt with until now,” but this has been happening for a long time, and gastroenteritis symptoms were not detected until the weekend of September 9th and 10th.

The congressman called for continued investigation into the source of the contamination, although he stressed thatand “now is not the time to look for “suspects or culprits”.and has claimed Performance and coordination of state administration. “The steps taken by Aragon were appropriate, the decisions taken were scientifically supported and well coordinated, and it is now up to others to continue the management of the investigation to find a solution,” he said. commented.

The General Administration of Public Health of the Ministry of Health will Start coordinating and overseeing procedures and risk assessments now Working with the three affected communities (Aragon, Castilla y León and Navarra) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Ecological Transition.An informal technical meeting was held on Monday to provide existing information on the case and An alert presentation will follow the case.

this Aguas del Moncayo FederationA statement issued on Friday by the municipalities governed by Quiles (Corella, Barillas, Monteagudo, Tulebras, Muchante, Ribaforada and Buñuel) called on residents to calm down. In his report, he reported that the water supplied to these groups came from the Dehesa reservoir, which was taken from Queiles but was last filled in June last year, before the gastroenteritis outbreak was declared.

Pending confirmation through several negative tests that the Tarazona network is not contaminated, Drinking tap water is still prohibited Tarazona, Novalas, Torreras and Los Fayos.

Mayor Torreras showed the location of drinking water tanks installed in the town.

Mayor Torreras showed the location of drinking water tanks installed in the town.
Socialist Party of Aragon

Criticism of Spanish Socialist Party misinformation

On the other hand, mayors and Socialist Workers Party MPs of cities affected by the gastroenteritis epidemic criticized on Monday Misinformation and lack of transparency of The Government of Aragon manages this public health issue.

According to the Socialists, they regretted this after a meeting between the Socialist spokesperson of the Tarazona city council and representatives of the Aragonese council, Leticia Soria; Torreras Mayors Pilar Pérez and Novaras Mayor Pedro Luis Lapuente, as well as Congressional Socialist Group Spokesperson Mate Pérez.

Soria claims “More transparency” and “more information” And he urged the Aragonese government to coordinate better to avoid what he saw as the “opaque” approach they had taken so far.

Soria, like Mette Pérez, feels sorry for Aragonese President Jorge Azcon, Haven’t been to the town of Turiasonense yet We’re interested in how “concerned and underinformed” people experience this public health issue, he said.

Torreras Mayor Pilar Pérez also condemned “Delay” She said since the outbreak was declared in Tarazona on Sept. 9, they didn’t know anything until the 22nd, when she learned from Tarazona’s side that her town was also affected and then called the public health department.

Pilar Pérez asks for clear information and protocols from everywhere and shows her There were questions about whether the tank could be left in the sun, etc.

They considered taking them to another location and insisted on universal protocols: “In Tarazona they are cleaning them, other locations are not giving us these instructions and we don’t know how to fund these possible treatments because our The town council is small and we don’t have the financial resources”.

In itself, Mayor of NovalasPedro Luis La Puente, requested “Solution” and more “speed” because “many days have passed” Neighbors are experiencing “a lot of uncertainty,” he lamented.

Mayte Pérez criticized this Azcon “had time to travel to Madrid twice in less than a week to support his party leader, but not to visit the region”nearly 500 people were affected.

Socialist Spokesperson Missed Be more proactive The government faces a “complex situation” that requires “anticipation” by the executive branch and extreme and absolute coordination among all agencies.

He insisted that the district administration needs to be prepared future agreementIn addition to keeping mayors informed on a daily basis, “who can deliver a message of calm to neighbors.”

Furthermore, he referred to the meeting held in Tarazona, chaired by the Minister of Health, José Luis Bancalero, to address this issue, criticizing it in the same way Three affected councils will be excluded In addition to urban residents, “they also have the right to know first-hand information.”

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he People’s Party parliamentary spokesman Fernando Ledesma has reacted to these remarks and called on the Spanish Socialist Party and its spokesperson “responsibility”also Don’t try to gain “political gain”.

For Ledesma, Pérez’s remarks showed “how confused the Aragonese Socialist Workers Party is in seeking photos and media attention when faced with public health issues,” the People’s Party noted.

he argued Aragonese government acted “with scientific rigor” from the beginning He also explained that this Thursday, at his request, the Minister of Health will attend a plenary session of Parliament to report on the actions taken in response to the gastroenteritis outbreak.

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