5 things you need to know about Dorian Electra

Dorian Electra (instagram.com)
Dorian Electra – Instagram.com

From future electronic-inflected hits to breaking gender norms, Dorian Electra is a creative powerhouse and a force to be reckoned with in the world of electronic music.

They’ve been one of the most exciting artists in the underground LGBT music scene for some time, and their work covers everything from female genitalia to famous philosophers of past centuries.

It sounds like it wouldn’t work in an alt-pop context, but their legion of fans disagree.

For those who don’t know much about Dorian Electra, read on.

Their first big song was about philosophy

In 2010, Electra reached a new level of popularity with the release of the video “I’m in love with Friedrich Hayek.”

The unique and thought-provoking video celebrated the philosophy of famous Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek and quickly gained widespread attention.

Notably, the video sparked discussion and debate in the academic community, drawing interest and commentary from Steven Horwitz, a renowned professor specializing in modern Austrian economic theory.

Electra’s artistic expression captured the attention of the public and provoked intellectual discussions at the intersection of music, economics and ideology, making her a prominent figure and a person who stood out depending on what they were talking about.

They’re weird and genderfluid

Electra identifies as both queer and genderfluid, and they prefer to use they/them pronouns to reflect their gender identity.

Embracing her unique and fluid sense of self, Electra challenges traditional gender norms and promotes inclusivity in her work, embodying the diversity and dynamism of the LGBT community and pushing it into the mainstream through her music.

One of their main icons is David Bowie.

David Bowie is recognized as one of the most successful and important musicians of all time, and is especially beloved by anyone with a passion for all things weird and androgynous.

Bowie famously played with clothing, makeup and gender roles throughout his life. Electra adores him for this very reason.

“My father brought me to Bowie from a very young age,” they once said. The keeper. “I looked up to androgynous rock stars.” Bowie’s influence is visible and audible in Elektra’s work.

They’ve collaborated with some weird favorites

Over the years, Electra has collaborated with many famous musicians such as Charli XCX, Mykki Blanco, Rebecca Black, Pussy Riot and even the legendary Village People.

The new album will be out very soon

Elektra has been hard at work on a new full-length album for some time now, and it’s almost ready.

The singer-songwriter’s third album Fanfare release is scheduled for October 6th. This is their first collection in three years since they released My agenda in October 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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