Half of patients undergoing ‘low-cost’ rhinoplasty surgery require re-intervention

Breathing problems, nasal congestion, or numbness are some of the risks of rhinoplasty surgery. In fact, the reoperation rate after “low-cost” rhinoplasty surgery may exceed 50% because these surgeries do not consider functional aspects and only focus on aesthetics. The Spanish Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (SEORL-CCC) issued a warning today.

In this sense, otolaryngologists claim the importance of having patients suitable for nasal surgery evaluated by appropriate specialists because Reinterventions have increased significantly in recent years.

Rhinoplasty is the second most common facial plastic surgery procedure in Spain, after upper blepharoplasty. SEORL-CCC estimate 30,000 rhinoplasty surgeries per yearin 70% are performed by otolaryngologists and head and neck surgeons.

However, the surge in rhinoplasty surgeries is becoming more frequent. “Low cost” doesn’t even include the minimal cost of surgery to keep patients safe and healthy.

Dr. Eduardo Morera, Chairman of the Facial Plastic Surgery Committee, said: “When someone offers us a procedure at an amazing discount, we always ignore the basic elements required for the procedure and offer the patient the bare minimum. Guaranteed.” SEORL-CCC.

The reasons why patients request this surgery are a combination of aesthetics and functionality. “We have encountered men and women with nasal breathing problems who requested re-intervention after attending ‘low-cost’ clinics for rhinoplasty surgery with aesthetics only in mind. However, we cannot forget that these surgeries must preserve or improve the function of the nose ,” the expert said.

Otolaryngology is the only specialty that comprehensively addresses nose problems and incorporates the dual functional and aesthetic aspects of rhinoplasty into national training programs.

Therefore, the SEORL-CCC Committee on Facial Plastic Surgery warns interested persons of the importance of seeking an otolaryngologist for results.According to recent studies, revision rates after primary rhinoplasty range from 5% to 15%, with Nasal obstruction is one of the most common reasons for reintervention.

Things to note during rhinoplasty surgery

Aesthetic and functional factors are inseparable, and some patients decide to undergo rhinoplasty surgery without knowing whether there are functional problems with their noses. “If the functional component is not adequately treated, patients may develop symptoms that worsen their quality of life, such as difficulty breathing, making normal physical activities and night’s rest difficult,” Dr. Moreira explains.

Therefore, patients must be examined by an otolaryngologist to check for any type of nasal breathing problem, such as a deviated septum, chronic rhinitis, or sinusitis. Otolaryngologists are the only experts qualified to treat all functional problems of the nose and perform aesthetic corrections according to the patient’s requirements.

The final shape of the nose must be agreed with the patient before intervention. Facial features, ethnicity, or personal aesthetics must be considered without neglecting nasal function. The goal of rhinoplasty surgery is to achieve a harmonious, natural-looking nose that allows you to perform activities of daily living and is stable over the long term.

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