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Kim Kardashian has a habit of having sex with men using an adult phone line as a teenager.

The TV superstar, 42, discovered that her sister Courtney, 44, had gone to a local shopping center where young men lived and used the phone to contact men who had heard about him. There is an adult helpline just for you pose for the rabbit and take a photo of it from another.

On this week’s episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kim said: “We talk to these men, we’re 15 years old, and we’re frustrated: ‘Okay, okay.’ Retrouvez-moi au Blockbuster du center Commercial.” In travel there is a type of fear, and in prenayte there is a Polaroid. We have a book of polaroids of the types we buy at the mall.”

The SKIMS founder also reached out to her mother to see if she remembered the helpline she started using, and after Kourtney mentioned the memory number, Kim decided to call her.

As soon as you heard this: “C’est (censuré), où le vilain est gentil” and Kim été, you have contacted a person in danger via chat.

Kim said, “Bonjour, this is Samantha,” and knowing that I would meet you in Ventura’s company, I would never have known my name before.

The TV star answered the phone from the bathroom, but he will remember the number for future use.

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