Nearly 300,000 covid-19 and flu vaccines administered in first week

According to a report sent to Lusa today, 316,339 doses of vaccines against Covid-19 and influenza have been administered since the sixth week of the year, mostly in community pharmacies (255,839 doses), but also in national health services (60,500 doses) ).

From the second to the fourth hour, “the number of daily doses reaches 750,000 to 80,000, achieving a daily rhythm,” the ministry said.

The vaccination campaign against covid-19 and influenza started on September 29 and will last over 10 weeks, taking place in about 2,500 community weeks at about 1000 vaccination points in different units of the National Health Service (SNS).

Last year, vaccination campaigns against Covid-19 and influenza began in September. In the first week, 190,785 doses of vaccine have been administered.

“This year, within the first week of the program, we have increased the number of vaccines administered by more than 50%,” the Ministry of Health said.

This year, Direção-Geral da Saúde expects to vaccinate between 2 and 2.5 million people.

No SNS will be provided to persons under 60 years of age with dangerous medical conditions, pregnant women and two health professionals (public and private) and other health care providers, students in clinical settings, teachers and caregivers involved in transporting dependents Man firefighter opening. people.

You will be vaccinated in our prisons, a continuum of care network put together by National Health Service professionals in prisons.

Community pharmacies are administering Covid-19 vaccines to people aged over 60 for the first time, with nearly 6,000 pharmacists in more than 2,300 pharmacies participating in the 2023/2024 vaccination season authorized to do so.

According to the Guardian, the initiative’s appeal focuses on people aged 60 years or older who have no history of vaccination with mRNA “Therefore, it is a condition that the vaccination has never taken place according to the corresponding DGS norms “SNS unit” .

“The SNS sector wishes to prioritize this group on the first day of the calendar. Likewise, the SNS sector’s proactive calls will continue in the coming weeks, prioritizing the subgroups most at risk,” the ministry explained.

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