Spain’s anti-flu campaign to start on Monday, with children under five included as priority group

The Asturian government will start a flu campaign this Monday with the aim of protecting more than 500,000 people, mainly people over 60 years old, people with chronic diseases, smokers and pregnant women. Preferred groups also include children under five years of age.

The district administration issued a press release encouraging everyone falling under these categories to participate.

To do this, they must make a corresponding appointment through the office or health center where they will be vaccinated.

The Ministry of Health has five vaccines. Four of these have been obtained through framework agreements signed by the Ministry of Health. All these drugs are administered in the classic way: intramuscularly.

The fifth one is different. Designed for intranasal administration in children. In this case, the Ministry of Health procured 514,000 vaccine doses at a price of 5.5 million doses through an exclusively negotiated contract.

In addition to influenza, people who have also decided to receive a COVID-19 vaccine will receive the new modified messenger RNA vaccine, except for patients who must receive another type due to special circumstances.

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