Drinks recommended by experts to reduce belly fat

The most recommended short-term infusion for eliminating belly fat by users

exist various forms lose weight and eat healthy, the diet is varied and fun. As for physical exercise, there are a variety of exercise routines that can help you lose body fat. Indeed, the frenetic pace of today’s life prevents us from taking a few minutes to hit the gym. However, there are a variety of tables that can help you achieve optimal physical activity in a short period of time at home.

Nutrition experts recommend drinking a glass black tea. This drink prevents fluid retention, improves digestion, and aids in weight loss, among many other benefits to our health.

One of the first areas of the body we will reduce is the area located on the buttocks. This grease sticks to clothes and is difficult to remove. It’s common for anyone who goes to the gym to notice that their belly is shrinking but fat in their buttocks remains. How to remove it?Guanluca del Mastro explains from his gigangosogit profile (with thousands of followers) How to get rid of the so-called “nightstand.”

The first thing he suggested was to Between 200 and 400 calories below your daily calorie intake. That is to say, Eat less. “Count your calories so you can track what you’re consuming. That way, you can cut calories and lose fat,” he says.

What he recommended next was Eat 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Also try to make 70% of your diet come from clean, unprocessed foods.

“Remember, in order to alleviate this caloric deficit, it is necessary Let’s look for ways to burn more calories in our daily activities. With high-intensity training, you can walk to where you want to drive, you can use the stairs, you can stand instead of sitting,” he says. That’s why it’s great to increase your energy expenditure during the day through simple daily activities like parking your car. It’s important to take the car. Go a little further, take the stairs, spend more time standing, and try to walk to places.

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