Soria fish farm isolated from Tarazona gastroenteritis outbreak

european trout This was assured yesterday, confirmed by an analysis carried out by the Department of Marine Zoology at the Cavanier Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Valencia. Trout from Vozmediano fish farm (Soria) «They do not contain protozoa», so they deny any involvement in the outbreak Tarazona (Aragon) gastroenteritis, Affected nearly 500 people.

In a statement collected by Ical Agency, the company made it clear that given that various sources point to the Vozmediano fish farm in the area around the Queles River as one of the sources, This protozoan “is typical of ruminants and humans, but is uncommon in trout”.

They conveyed the concern of the entire Eurotrucha team for those affected and their readiness to cooperate with the authorities to take any necessary action to find the cause. Become an “environmentally responsible” company, As its activities are “subject to strict health controls”,

However, they announced that they had requested University of Valencia In addition to exhaustive studies of tissue and water, other molecular studies Counting protozoa in water to an ENAC accredited laboratory and the results will be communicated as soon as possible.

The Cryptosporidium protozoa that caused this outbreak is very common in Spanish rivers and is usually eliminated by water purification systems. The company added that scientific research showed it was “extremely unlikely” to be the source or multiplier, and while it could have been affected by protozoa, it was almost unlikely to be its source.


“The reputation of our company and the entire industry and its value chain on which many families depend has been irreparably damaged. We will take appropriate legal measures in a timely manner against individuals or entities that damage our image without compensation.”

In itself, Tarazona Mayor Antonio GiareIt said that once the person responsible for the presence of the protozoan is found, he will be required to pay all costs incurred after the affected town, which has more than 13,000 residents, was left without drinking water for a month. to the Cadena series.

Tarazona consumes 10,000 liters of bottled water every day, Together with the resources allocated by the council, municipal storage tanks must also be emptied, supply networks cleaned and the impact on tourism analyzed.

“If someone doesn’t do what they have to do, they should compensate us for the problems we have,” the mayor said. Aragonese Health Minister José Luis Bancalero suggested that the Commission focus on the Vozmediano fish farm.

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