Fight the cold with this infusion

Elderberry is ideal for fighting common cold problems.

Colds are often accompanied by a runny nose, mild body aches, congestion, and sore throat. Although in most cases the common cold does not cause serious health complications, it can cause trouble in anyone’s body. That’s why, to make colds more bearable, if you get a cold, you can drink elderberry infusion to help fight it off.

Elderberry is a plant up to 10 meters long that produces abundant inflorescences, berries and branches that are beneficial to health. According to the Mexican Ecological Institute (INECOL), elderberries have high anti-inflammatory levels and high levels of vitamin C. It is scientifically proven to be ideal for fighting common cold and flu problems.

There are many ways to take this powerful herb, and one of the best ways to treat cold symptoms is as an infusion. To do this, we must take a few grams of elderflowers, they can be dried or fresh, boil them in a glass of water, cover and let the mixture stand for about 10 minutes. Even if it’s warm, you can sweeten it with honey and drink it warm twice a day until you feel better.

Another way to take advantage of the benefits of elderberries is to eat the fresh berries, but don’t overdose as it can cause intestinal problems. You can also find elderberry concentrate syrup or tablets at health food stores.

Keep in mind that while these considerations may be valid, it never pays to skip professional medical care, which will provide the best treatments to improve your health.


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