Distribution locations in Colombia

In 2021, the World Health Organization made it clear that one of its top priorities in the coming years is to seek a global approach to dealing with different pathogens. At the time, he said there were six microorganisms that were of high concern. These include Klebsiella pneumoniae.

In addition, the World Health Organization is working to mitigate the impact of pathogens such as Helicobacter pylori, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, E. coli and Salmonella.

The concern of international entities arises from the fact that these microorganisms have shown behavior in recent years showing higher levels of resistance to different drugs. Therefore, humans are most susceptible to health risks from these six microorganisms.

The Pan American Health Organization even mentioned the issue and stated that both entities are vigilant about these microorganisms. “Unfortunately, this list is growing, making antimicrobial resistance a public health issue today, with the World Health Organization (WHO) including it in 2020 on its list of ‘major urgent health problems of the world'”.

The World Health Organization says the problem is caused by humans fighting disease, as their actions cause microbes to become more powerful. But at the same time, one of the reasons why these pathogens are becoming resistant is that countries do not adequately protect the right to health and access to medicines.

“Countless factors combine to create a horrific cocktail, such as unregulated prescription and use of antibiotics, lack of access to quality medicines at affordable prices; lack of clean water and sanitation services and infection prevention and control,” World Health Organization Also announced in 2021.

For the reasons stated above, the citizens most affected are ultimately those living in low-income or developing countries. However, these resistant pathogens can also harm developed countries.

PAHO commented: “Resistance to certain bacterial infections in low-income countries and regions is increasing, although in marginalized and impoverished areas the situation is exacerbated by health crises, water shortages and inadequate habits and hygiene. The levels are worrying. Low, as well as medium and high; men and women, regardless of age, race or social status, so this is a global problem.”

These six pathogens were added to the priority list taking into account the following factors:

“How lethal are the infections they cause; whether treatment requires long-term hospitalization; how often they become resistant to existing antibiotics; how easily they spread between animals, from animals to people, and from person to person; whether they can preventing infections they cause (e.g., through good hygiene and vaccination); how many treatment options remain; and whether new antibiotics are being researched and developed to treat infections they cause,” the WHO clarified.

Klebsiella pneumoniae:

According to the World Health Organization, this is a very common intestinal type of bacteria. Additionally, it can lead to life-threatening infections. “Resistance of Klebsiella pneumoniae to last resort treatments (carbapenem antibiotics) It has spread to various parts of the world. “

Again, this bacterium is the cause of hospital infections. Examples include pneumonia, sepsis, or infection evident in neonates and ICU patients. “In some countries, carbapenem antibiotics are no longer effective in more than half of patients with Klebsiella pneumoniae infections due to drug resistance.”

The National Cancer Institute commented that this bacteria can cause “pulmonary infections, urinary tract infections, intestinal infections and wound infections.”

As a pathogenic bacterium, its “symptoms” can manifest as infections such as lung, intestinal, urinary tract and wound infections.

Klebsiella pneumoniae and where it spreads in Colombia:

Its presence has been detected at the San Rafael Tongha University Hospital in Boyaca.This is also evident in the city of Bogota, the Cauca Valley and the Atlantic coast

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