41,809 Durango residents have been treated for urological conditions

So far in 2023, the Durango Department of Health has treated 41,809 patients with urinary tract infections.

According to the latest statistics as of September 30, of the total cases treated, 9,534 were men and 30,275 were women.

Nationwide, 2 million 489 thousand 497 people were treated for these urinary tract diseases.

According to a breakdown of official reports, of the total cases being treated in Mexico, 550,255 are men and 1,939,242 are women.

Although urine does not contain bacteria, sometimes bacteria from outside can enter the urinary tract and cause an infection, whether it is the kidneys, ureters, bladder, or urethra. The most common infection occurs in the bladder.

Some symptoms of a urinary tract infection are frequent urination; pain or burning when urinating; abnormal color of urine; blood in the urine and fever.

If any of these occur, it’s best to see a doctor who can determine the type of infection and next steps.

There are some preventive measures you can take to reduce the risk of contracting these infections, such as drinking enough water every day, maintaining good hygiene in the genital area, not suppressing the urge to urinate, wearing cotton underwear, and avoiding tight clothing.

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