Learn how to report COVID-19 and influenza vaccinations during the holiday week in Nossa Senhora Aparecida, Sorocaba | Sorocaba and Jundiaí

Next is the prefeitura, vaccination will take place from the second (9) to the fourth (11). — Photo: Prefeitura de Sorocaba/Divulgação

Since the fifth day (12) is the holiday of Our Lady Aparecida, the municipal vaccination calendar against Covid-19 and influenza will change next week. Next is the county level, Immunizations will be given during the second (9th) to the fourth (11th) period.

All vaccines included in the national vaccination calendar will be available at the city’s 19 basic health units (UBS) during extended hours from 8 am to 6 pm. saint ellas:

  • Aparesidinha;
  • Tobias Brigade;
  • Karanda;
  • closure;
  • Garden of Eden;
  • Fiore;
  • Habitat;
  • Hello;
  • Hortensia;
  • Larangeras;
  • López de Oliveira;
  • Marcia Mendez;
  • Mineiro;
  • New Sorocaba;
  • Sao Bento;
  • San Guilherme;
  • Sims;
  • Sorocaba 1;
  • Victoria Regia.

Likewise, UBS continues normal service from 8am to 4pm.

The Pfizer bivalent vaccine is available to everyone 18 years and older. Pfizer Bivalente’s public services also include: Health professionals; Pregnant and postpartum women; People over 12 years of age living in long-term institutions (ILPs) (as nursing homes, asylums, refuges and inclusionary residences), and work in these institutions persons; immunocompromised persons; ribeirinhas and quilombolas, in addition to indigenous communities.

Yes, the flu vaccine is available to everyone above six months of age, as well as those without comorbidities. All UBS groups also offer the Pfizer infant vaccine, the Pfizer children’s vaccine and the Pfizer adult vaccine respectively to the public. For the Pfizer bivalent vaccination, members of the public are required to receive at least two doses of the vaccine against Covid-19, with an interval of four months between the last dose.

Since other vaccination campaigns are taking place at the same time as the vaccination campaign against Covid-19, vaccinations can be given at the same time without any gap. Vaccines available to you include: Covid-19, influenza, meningococcal C and all other vaccines on the national vaccination calendar.

Documents and receipts

To get vaccinated, you must show RG, CPF and proof of vaccination. For children with comorbidities and those with higher levels of immunosuppression, A medical report is also required.

Not limited to immunizations, children need to be accompanied by two or a responsible person and carry a vaccination card, or ID card from a CPF or SUS card. Those with comorbidities or deficiencies in their country or upbringing must also show proof of their condition.

You can also provide non-perishable food to the #AFOMENAOEFAKE campaign! The items will be distributed to socially disadvantaged families. This donation is voluntary and open to anyone who wishes to donate.

Video: Participate in TEM TV report

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