“I don’t know whether being an official is a kind of peace of mind or a kind of punishment.”

The father of Movistar cyclist Antonio Pedrero was also a professional cyclist for four years (1988-92) until he was diagnosed with a heart condition.

Today, he is a 58-year-old man who was taking the civil examination at the time. He campaigned in Caja Rural, Teka and Puertas Mavisas. He was a gregarious man, and gregarious people are harder to remember. But they also deserve to be remembered. Especially José Pedrero, who at the age of 27 suffered the blow of life. Doctors discovered he had a heart condition, forcing him to retire immediately. Today I met a man who, above all, is down to earth.

A cyclist, he was diagnosed with heart disease.
He was 27 years old. This is a routine inspection. The cardiologist discovered a malfunctioning valve. That was in December, and during a break, he told me I couldn’t go on like this. Over time, you’ll appreciate it. But it was very painful at the time. This required a complete change in my life.

What did you notice?
I didn’t notice much on those levels. Indeed, I got tired very quickly. But I didn’t know if it was fatigue or overtraining until I discovered that the valve wasn’t working properly and not all the blood was reaching the muscles. It requires more effort and lower performance. I had a hard time recovering. At 27 I’d like to think it’s a vitamin deficiency.

What day is the next day?
I lost my job. I dealt with the powerlessness of my daily movements, which was my job. I have to think, think a lot, about what I am going to do tomorrow. It would be great if I could sign up for a firefighter or police competition. But since it requires physical strength, I can’t do it.

What did he do?
I look for alternatives. I applied to the Terrassa City Council and it was approved on the fifth try. I mean it’s not easy for me. But more than 500 candidates applied for the six posts. Finally, we got to 15 and I seem to remember I was fourth or fifth, but I made it. From that day on, I had to make a living and owe nothing to anyone.

He gained lifelong peace of mind.
When you become an officer you get peace of mind or a life sentence because sometimes the administration inside is like a madhouse. But fortunately, people have self-respect and I always try to do things well. I’m never content with signing autographs and letting time pass. I am a self-loving person.

Have you never thought of trying it in the private sector?
Yes, but as you get older, one day you will reach the level you have reached. Seniority also allows me to receive a salary. Indeed, no one forced me to become a civil servant. I do it by myself. But, for me, it’s very complicated. I have to take this seriously. There is a lot of competition. I still have the notes at home. I applied for everything: librarian, maintenance worker, janitor…that’s how my life improved. I only have EGB, and I don’t even have points in Catalan, and I’ve never learned Catalan in my life.

How are you today?
I control myself. I don’t work hard. I take care of my diet because there is no other choice. I have chronic gastritis. Once I overdo it, my stomach takes the toll. I was physically and mentally unable to gain weight. I try my best.

And you don’t ride a bike?
Yes, the bike relaxes me. I exercise three times a week for a few hours. But I have to watch my pulse. My peak is 204. I remember my lactate started at 186. Now I’ll be around 140 or 160, which is normal. But once I got over them, I realized I had gone too far.

You are a gregarious person.
You are either useful for work or useful for making money. I’m not good enough to win. He doesn’t have enough qualities. I accepted. But I’ve helped guys like Marino Lejarreta, Mathew Hermans, who won 25 games, Miguel Angel Iglesias who achieved his goal of flying, and you realize that your work is worth it.

Being gregarious is not easy
You have to know what your goals are. At Mawisa Gate it was difficult because we had no clear leader. The problem is when you have no one working for you. Then your work is worthless because it doesn’t look good. But luckily, this isn’t always the case.

The most gregarious person now is his son Antonio at Movistar.
This is a definite asset. He was a safe socializer wherever he went. He helped Carapaz, Valverde… He participated in the Tour of Asturias, Burgos… He has been with Movistar for eight years and it is not easy to persist at this level. But it’s true that without a winner, this team just doesn’t seem to be able to function.

What’s wrong with your son riding a bike?
My son and I don’t talk about riding bikes anymore. He trained at a school in Terrassa. I never encouraged him. I don’t want him to ride a bike. But he was addicted. It would have been difficult for him to make this leap until Eusebio Unzu trusted him. And, the end result is really good.

You will feel proud.
I’m proud of the way he looks. I told you this from the beginning. My son always knows what to do. That’s why I don’t ask him questions when he’s not playing. I know you want and need to disconnect.

But a father is a father.
But I no longer recognize that world. I left many years ago. My time has passed. Nothing is ever the same again. If you don’t participate, you’re left out. Now I’m watching it on TV and I love it. My son has been away from home for six years. He went to live in Andorra.

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