Foods rich in vitamins C and D, perfect allies in the fight against flu, colds and strep throat – León

Cases of flu, colds and laryngitis are increasing earlier than we are used to, so Noon at COPE León,Let’s go Drasangvi Learn about the natural allies we have to combat, prevent and treat such problems in minors and adults.

Miguel FernandezThe company’s technical trainer explains immune system It is made up of cells, organs, proteins, etc. that circulate in the blood and function as an interconnected network. Its main function is to maintain balance so that “enemies” such as bacteria or viruses, stress, or other environmental factors do not invade and weaken it.

Take care of our defenses

To protect our defenses, first we must Adequate moisture, So you have to drink lots of water.In addition, there is another important point Take care of your sleep time And maintain a regular nighttime schedule. A tired body is more susceptible to illness.On the other hand, we must be proactive; he exerciseEach is critical in its own right, as a sedentary lifestyle puts us at the highest risk of infection, as does diet.let’s eat Diverse and balancedfoods rich in vitamin C and vitamin D, such as citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, salmon… And, the most complicated thing is, Let’s avoid refined products rich in sugar Because misuse can lead to a malfunctioning immune system.

food supplements

Apart from all these health tips, we can always use nutritional supplements developed by Drasanvi which provide A wide range of routes designed to strengthen the immune system.

orIt wasn’t one of the first supplements developed by the company, but it became one of customer favorites due to the effectiveness of its ingredients, Immunology.

Inmunol is formulated from mushrooms such as Ganoderma lucidum and shiitake mushrooms, which contain a variety of nutrients; plants such as echinacea or thyme, for example, protect against the common flu or cold and are good allies in our defense. And, they are combined with vitamin C, propolis and probiotics.


Drasanvi is available in two formats: capsules and vials Take once daily, but may take twice during times of greater need, such as fall and winter.Additionally, one of the keys to Inmunol’s success is that it is also a prevention productsSo you can start taking it at a time when we foresee that we’re more likely to get sick.

it is Product suitable for children over 12 years oldbut for minors, we have formulated Immunize children, using the right proportions of active ingredients and adding honey instead of shiitake mushrooms, so little ones can get an extra boost in a natural way. It has a delicious strawberry flavor and is easier to eat. You should also take one bottle daily or up to two bottles at a specific time when we find that our children are prone to getting sick regularly.

Drasanvi products are available in pharmacies, pharmacies, herbalists, the Drasanvi space in El Corte Inglés and the Drasanvi store in Astorga.

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