Home Tips | Why More and More People Are Stuck in Pads in Drawers

Why more and more people are leaving pads stuck in drawersLevante-EMV

maintain order and clean It is indispensable in drawers and wardrobes. We must remember that there we store clothes that we will wear later and in many cases they will be in permanent contact with our skin, which is why they must be in perfect condition.


But, beyond that, having those drawers and cabinets smell good will further enhance our sense of cleanliness and cleanliness due to the freshness and comfort the scent provides.Thousands of people have discovered these benefits after learning about them witty trick Let your drawers and cupboards smell great No need to resort to huge fees or complicated formulas.

Good scent in cupboards and drawers

Keep Order A good scent in cupboards and drawers not only helps create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere, but also promotes hygiene, care for stored items and clothing, and overall well-being.

This essential oil will create a rich aroma in your closet and protect your clothes from the fearsome insects.

Also, if you use natural flavors, such as dried herbs, spices or essential oils release substances that can stop insects from nesting in drawers and becoming pests. Many animals are disgusted by certain smells, which luckily are very pleasant to humans, such as lavender or lemon.

To keep your drawers and closets beautifully scented, there’s nothing better than using a practical and economical trick: All you need is a pack of pads and a few drops of essential oil of your choice.

take a panty liners, pour a few drops of essential oil into it, and stick it on the wall of the closet or the edge of the drawer. Try to hide it out of sight. Every time you open your wardrobe or drawer, you will notice the scent it emits, which is also transferred to your clothes and also protects your clothes from harmful pests.

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