All for Matas Figueroa: They launch raffle to help pay hospital bills

Nearly one month after being admitted to a private nursing home in our province for the first time, the patient’s condition Matas FigueroaThe young police officer’s situation remains complicated.already Admitted to the Allende nursing home in Córdoba since September 29, complications have continued to mount, but his family has not lost hope.

in the middle, Expenditure growthand must face them because of coverage OSEP This is only a minimum ratio, and Matas’s security forces have so far shown no increased cooperation. Regarding his status, strugglehis wife confirmed union he is Critical state. He suffers from multiple organ failure and on Monday he was hooked up to a dialysis machine to help his kidneys and liver function more effectively. “Currently he still has bilateral pneumonia and has to wait for antibiotics and dialysis to take effect,” he said without lowering his arms in the hope that the situation could be overcome.

As for the costs, he insists they are substantial because dialysis treatments are expensive. He also underwent surgery due to intestinal perforation.This cost us over $140,000 and we have to pay it” Lina said that they were only accompanied by family, friends and people who helped them.

Mathias International Fee 1

raffles and peas

It was these friends who supported Matas, his wife and son who organized a lottery and peatthe campaign is going viral and they are asking everyone to join in to add more support and match the huge costs of long-term hospital stays.

The last event is planned for Friday, October 27 Held at 8:30 pm at the Radical Committee of San Isidro in Valle Viejo Those who can cooperate with the organization at their expense or directly with Matas, can do so: Alias: LSILVA4061.NX.ARS or CBU: 4530000800011114146623.

In addition to this, there is also a raffle taking place which will be The draw will be held on October 17 next year, if two are purchased, the value of the quantity is $500 and $800. Interested parties can contact Ely Mercatto on 3834 966613.


Matas’ case became public after his family requested an emergency transfer to Córdoba as his health deteriorated and doctors in Catamarca were barely able to help. Dr. Alejo Rivera refused to amend the patient’s medical history, which was requested by the patient’s family, to allow public employee social work to complete the remainder of the process leading to the final referral. This finally happened, and Matas was transported by medical plane.

It is noteworthy that while he was hospitalized in Catamarca He received no specialized care from a hepatologist, and with 90 percent liver damage, he received only serum and painkillers.According to his family.

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