17 women who exemplify the fight for women’s rights

women's rights

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What is feminism? For those who don’t already know, feminism does not imply the superiority of women over men. No, nothing like that. Feminism is equality between women and men. This concept comes from a kind of revenge for the inequality that reigned in the past, a fact that motivated Women’s struggle to achieve balance is still a work in progress. In this sense, we are not talking about feminists, but about women who did everything to achieve this balance and break the taboo. There is still a long way ahead, and the recent Women’s March (with such famous people as Madonna, Scarlett Johansson, Emma Watson, Alicia Keys and many others, including men) on the streets of the USA is a good confirmation of this.

Emma Watson

Our Hermione from Harry Potterthe character who introduced her to the world of fame as an actress, Goodwill ambassador –Goodwill Ambassadors– UN for Women and the voice of the HerforShe movement. His emotional speech at the UN in 2014 political, economic and social equality between men and women made this a reference point for the female gender. She also initiated an initiative to leave feminist books on the London Underground to raise awareness.

Kathleen Hanna

An important feminist and cultural movement known as Riot Grrrl I owe part of my success to this American musician. In the 90s this group it changed the course of feminist advocacy and, besides leaving a clear message, he gave birth to a cultural spirit in which music, style metro, DIY and political activism they created a strong community. Hannah created a project inside music crowdfunding For expose sexism in the music industry.

Lena Dunham

There creator and main character Girls (two Golden Globe) managed control all artistic aspects great audiovisual production in the male industry. In the series, the girls moved away from the stereotype Hollywood, they show themselves natural, without complexes, with their flaws and strengths and the intention to love each other as they are. Lenny Letter is a feminist publication shared with Jennifer Conner.

Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan

Both can be considered as representatives of the “second wave of feminism” and his message continues even in today’s society. Steinem, a writer, journalist and women’s rights activist, touched the world with her 1969 article. After black power, women’s liberation (After Black Power, Women’s Liberation). Friedan, a feminist theorist, received the Pulitzer Prize in 1964. The mysticism of femininity. Two undisputed leaders.

Alicia Keys

An excellent singer from New York struggled with the social habit that women must always be perfect thanks to various artifacts. “I don’t want to hide anymore,” the singer wrote on her Instagram. letter published in Lenny Letter, a feminist paper in which she explains why she stopped wearing makeup. Keys, who says he has used these products in the past to hide his insecurities, she now looks natural and truly more beautiful than ever.

Pussy Wright

Russian feminist punk band. he is a reference point for the movement through his courage and dedication. His impromptu concert against Vladimir Putin in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, which led to the imprisonment of three of them, although Amnesty International he considered them prisoners of conscience due to the “severity of the Russian authorities’ response” and also considered the verdict “a strong blow to freedom of expression.” Their behavior and actions in defense of women’s rights aroused the sympathy of a large part of the world.

Michelle Obama

An example in all respects, the former first lady defended women’s rights before and during his time in the White House, using his enormous power of influence. In addition to filling his speeches with phrases and ideas that affirm the role of women in society, Obama introduced The status of women a campaign that defends these rights and addresses issues such as injustice in the world of work or gender-based violence. Meryl Streep, Oprah Winfrey and Kerry Washington also took part in the initiative.

Lisa Simpson

Even though he is a cartoon character, he brilliant mind, open-mindedness, tolerance and protection of the role of women in society they made him known to the community. In the series, which criticizes the so-called “American Dream”, Lisa represents reason, goodness and morality. The chapter “Lisa vs. Stacy Malibu”, in which a little girl creates a doll that competes in a sexist game, is an example of her a crusade against machismo and its pro-women stance.


Hillary Clinton

In 1995, Hillary Clinton surprised the whole world with her “Women’s rights are human rights“, a discourse in which women and their rights were shown to have a leading role. Although she failed to become the first President of the United States, her mission was laudable and she served as an example for millions of women. As a politician, Clinton has always praised women’s rights.

Tavi Gevinson

A leading voice in the feminist movement, this 20-year-old woman began speaking out for women’s rights when she was just 15. Today, as an actress, writer and editor, she is responsible for Magazine for beginners, cultural and inspiring magazine that demands Raise awareness among teenagers and distance them from social stereotypes.

Frida Kahlo

Even though Kahlo died more than 50 years ago, Kahlo’s work continues to drive modern art. His paintings are an expression of his deepest being, like rebellion against standards of female beauty. His mustache and eyebrows were not accidental, but represented an exaggeration that fought against social constraints.

Frida Kahlo strong women

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Wendy Davis

Wendy Davis was accused of attacking the Senate to repeal the law. Draft Law 5 about abortion in Texas. Since then, this heroine, this lawyer, a fighter from the very beginning, has also spoken out on issues such as reproductive rights, the LGBT community and gun control.

Ellen Page

Actress Juno demonstrated her commitment to the feminist cause in every public place, from social networks to the streets. Gender equality is its main purpose, and also protection of gay rights, where he plays a social responsibility role as part of the community.

Patricia Arquette

She was one of the first actresses to demand equal pay for men and women in Hollywood. This happened during her acceptance speech at the 2015 Oscars. Since then, her request has been joined by colleagues in the film industry such as Jennifer Lawrence, Jessica Chastain, Charlize Theron, Amanda Seyfried or Meryl Streep.

Daenerys Targaryen (Khaleesi)

Another fictional character who he overcame the barriers of macho oppression. During the series Game of Thrones, his character rebelled against male insults and fought for what belonged to him. In the face of other powerful people, Daenerys Targaryen proved humanity, logic and justice. An example for everyone.


Yoko Ono

Although her vindictive and eccentric side has always characterized her career as an artist, Yoko Ono broke down barriers with Cut a piece, a show where viewers cut off her clothes to talk about the lack of elements in a male-only world. Even though this is a 1965 show, its feminist spirit and message have endured over the years.

Special guests: Quentin Tarantino and Pedro Almodóvar.

They join this privileged list the role they gave to women in their films. Almost every script they wrote was played by women with nails and courage. Uma Thurman (English)Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill) is Tarantino’s main muse, even if others then took the reins of his works, and with the same strength and dedication. In the case of Spanish women were always at the center of his stories, from Penelope Cruz to Carmen Maura, always expressing themselves naturals and fighters.


Have you forgotten anything? There are many other strong women who stand out for their commitment to women’s rights. but this choice is for you to begin to become aware. Lead by example!

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