Lydia’s passing may trigger these illnesses during hurricane season

Hurricane and cyclone seasons can also leave traumatic stress on people receiving psychological help.  (Christian Ruano/Reuters).
Hurricane and cyclone seasons can also leave traumatic stress on people receiving psychological help. (Christian Ruano/Reuters).

The National Meteorological System (SMN) has been tracking Lydia’s evolution since before she arrived in Jalisco. This natural phenomenon made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane, but within a few hours downgraded to a low residual pressure and moved south-southeast of Zacatecas and north-northwest of Aguascalientes. . The strong winds, storms and floods that often occur during these emergencies have an impact on people’s lives. People’s health Even if the weather improves.image of rubble left behind cyclone separator on your way They are just the beginning of the impact of these phenomena.A silent danger exists in affected areas Respiratory diseases, skin diseases and gastrointestinal tract.

The World Bank warns Infect spread throughout insect is a common threat healthy during the season cyclone separator.With the accumulation of small volumes Still waterthe place where the larvae originate, may lead to infectious diseases Serious. Facing these health emergencies is a challenge for health departments because response capabilities are limited due to storm damage.

Although various agencies such as the Pan American Health Organization (OPS) has guided people on how to take care of their health, but different factors are still up in the air.this trauma The difficulties experienced by vulnerable groups are also one of the main consequences during hurricane season, which is why it is necessary to provide specialized advice to cope post traumatic stress disorderaccording to the American Psychological Association (APA).

During this period hurricane seasonVarious diseases such as bronchitis and infection Upper respiratory tract Registration increased.Heavy rain and strong winds can concentrate allergens in the air, causing Asthma attack in susceptible populations.Additionally, flooding may leave residue Mold At home, this may also trigger respiratory problems and skin.

Floodwaters often contaminate food and clean water tanks used in shelters.  (AP Photo/Thodoris Nikolaou).
Floodwaters often contaminate food and clean water tanks used in shelters. (AP Photo/Thodoris Nikolaou).

this flood Caused cyclone separator can pollute water source of the population Bacteria, viruses and Parasite that reason Gastrointestinal diseases.Drinking water contaminated with feces or other harmful liquids and eating food that has been in contact with dirty waste can cause stomach infection and diarrheaAccording to the International Federation of Red Cross Societies.

Some of these dangerous health effects appear a few weeks laterThe course of events.Diseases such as Zika virushe dengue or Chikungunyascattered everywhere mosquitowhich may appear in a few months hurricane; However, this is very unlikely. Still, authorities advise caution.Seven out of ten hospitals in Latin America are located in vulnerable areas still natural disasterAccording to the Pan American Health Organization.

this respiratory tract infection as influenza and common cold They also spread more easily.this evacuate people Going to temporary shelters allows you to be in close contact with other people, which helps Spread of the virus. also, humidity The lack of adequate sanitation in these shelters may lead to the spread of infection, which is increased by the conditions in the shelters. overcrowding.

he post traumatic stress disorder This is a normal reaction extreme caseas a devastating hurricane. In these situations, there are practices and suggestions that anyone can implement to lessen the emotional impact of the experience. natural disaster. Talking about personal feelings is the first step in the process: Share experience As well as emotionally with friends and family, you can schedule a time to heal and absorb the grief of any form of loss, from loved ones to material things, including health.

Communication within affected communities and between people is also important. In this way, support networks are woven and, most importantly, solutions are implemented that, over time, seem to become routine.The purpose of this recommendation is to provide a sense of normalcy and control amid chaos.

Treatment and support networks can help people cope with post-hurricane trauma.  (Getty)
Treatment and support networks can help people cope with post-hurricane trauma. (Getty)

Take care of healthy Self is one of the pillars in finding your way to healing. Strengthening your physical health by eating a balanced diet, exercising, and getting enough rest can be emotionally beneficial. However, in some cases, mental health professionals. Determining when you should see a psychologist is crucial to getting timely help: If you feel your stress is severe and interfering with your daily functioning, it’s time to seek treatment.

National Civil Protection Coordination Center (China National Petroleum Corporation) A range of advice for people to protect themselves healthy As Lydia passes by:

  • health measures: Each affected state must strengthen food hygiene practices and care. This will prevent the spread of stomach bugs.
  • first aid kit: Need to prepare one Include essentials e.g. drug, document Important information and advice from local authorities (eg lights and battery-powered radios).
People in shelters are also at risk as certain infections spread among refugees.  (Reuters/Victor Medina).
People in shelters are also at risk as certain infections spread among refugees. (Reuters/Victor Medina).
  • Report structural damage: It is important to report any cracks that appear in your home. Additionally, it is recommended to connect electric and gas services after eliminating the possibility of leaks.

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