Breastfeeding and Breast Cancer

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we invite women and men to get tested to prevent this disease. However, there is a correlation between breastfeeding and the protective factors it provides, not only against breast cancer but also against other chronic diseases such as type 1 and type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, leukemia and hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol).

Because breastfeeding is so important, many organizations continue to join in the promotion, highlighting the value of feeding babies for the first thousand days. Therefore, breastfeeding is the basis for ensuring the healthy physical and mental development of children, and it is of another nature for women.

The most advisable approach is to breastfeed exclusively for the first six months of life and extend it in a mixed form (including some solid food) for at least a year.

Women should know that breastfeeding is a safe way to feed their baby as it contains all the essential nutrients in carbohydrates, proteins and fats, digestive proteins, minerals, vitamins and hormones that the baby needs in the right amount. It contains antibodies that help prevent infection and reduce the risk of allergic diseases, and it also has protective factors that make you less susceptible to respiratory illnesses such as stomach or intestinal infections, gas, diarrhea and constipation, pneumonia and bronchitis, Even in the short, medium and long term, avoid SIDS, tooth decay or reduce the risk of diabetes and obesity.

Additionally, it is a sustainable food source and mothers can “make” milk of unparalleled quality by simply feeding any food mixture.

Experts agree that breastfeeding is good not only for the baby, but also for the mother, which is why they emphasize the importance of the first hours after birth: skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby stimulates the baby and helps to adapt to the new environment. In its habitat, it can regulate its heart rate, breathing and body temperature in sync with its mother, giving it time to become familiar naturally as it recognizes its mother’s voice.

Another benefit of breastfeeding is that it saves time and money because they don’t have to wash bottles or prepare milk, but most importantly, they don’t have to buy formula or spend on medications to avoid colic, diarrhea, or any other derived conditions. Breastfeeding and formula intake.

The greatest joy a mother can have when breastfeeding her baby is the development of the bonds that unite them. The release of oxytocin (known as the love hormone) acts directly on milk production and secretion and is activated when the baby is born. Sucking, triggers a chain of events in the mother’s body that induces feelings of relaxation and happiness.

This month, let us not forget to make appointments to check our health and prevent suspicion of breast cancer.

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