Not washing your hands can cause illness

According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), on October 15, World Handwashing Day will be celebrated around the world as an effective and cost-effective practice that can prevent disease and save lives.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, handwashing prevents about 30% of diarrhea-related illnesses and about 20% of respiratory infections.

This hygiene practice is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from a variety of health conditions. Experts say that many times, people unknowingly touch their eyes, noses and mouths, allowing microorganisms to enter their bodies. Additionally, bacteria from unwashed hands can get into food and drinks and cause illness when consumed.

Experts respond to the importance of hand washing

Experts stress that eliminating microorganisms through hand washing can help prevent diarrhea, respiratory infections, skin and eye infections. According to CDC data, approximately 1.8 million children under the age of five die each year from diarrheal diseases and pneumonia, the two leading causes of childhood death.

Washing hands with soap is considered an effective measure to protect health. It could help protect one in three children with diarrhea and at least one in five children with respiratory infections such as pneumonia, according to experts.

It’s important to note that over-the-counter antibacterial soap is no more effective at killing bacteria than regular soap.

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The importance of washing hands from an early age

Proper hand washing in the early stages of life also contributes to healthy growth in children. That’s why handwashing with soap and water is recommended at key moments, such as before preparing or eating food, after using the toilet, and after touching contaminated surfaces.

In conclusion, regular and adequate hand washing is essential to prevent disease and protect our health and the health of our loved ones. By following these simple hygiene measures, we can help reduce the incidence of diarrhea and respiratory illnesses, save lives and promote a healthier environment.

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