Peruvian TikToker contracted ‘kissing disease’ while challenging strangers

Located in Kennedy Park

A TikToker contracted the “kissing disease” after a challenge at Kennedy Park. After contact with strangers, the influencer developed severe inflammation.

Social networks have become the most popular space for searching for entertainment content. famous ‘influential person‘Following these trends, they decided to engage the audience with jokes, challenge and more. However, not everything always happens as expected.This is what happens to a person Peruvian TikTok After signing the contract “kissing disease” After making such contact unknown On the streets of Lima.

its about Marjorie Silvais a young woman from Lima who devotes herself to recording humorous videos while interacting with people sitting in the park, walking or chatting with friends.Its joyful content has made it more than 470,000 followers and accumulated 12.1 million likes in your Chinese platform account.

How did you get sick?

through a story timeThe young woman says an experience she had on the streets of the capital left her with more consequences than she could have ever imagined.It all started when I was recording a challenge video kennedy park.content include kiss a stranger When he walks, that’s how he gets foreign will help her meet the challenge.

“I was in my prime and when I finished kissing him, I was left with sugar in my mouth. I told my mom ‘This is gross, my mouth feels weird,'” the influencer said.

As the days passed, discomfort began to show.The young woman wasn’t worried about the larger problem at all, which she believed was caused by inflammation tonsillitis.I didn’t think it was a serious problem so decided not to go Clinic. However, everything changed the next morning.

after one day, pain become unbearable and Ganglion His throat was visibly swollen.At this moment, the internet celebrity chose to go there established healthy. She was initially diagnosed with tonsillitis, but the severe pain sent her back to the hospital. Emergency situations At least three more times.

“The Kissing Disease”

After a while, some small red scars They started appearing all over his body.Although he initially refused to go Clinic A final physical exam re-diagnosed his condition.That’s how I found out I’d signed up mononucleosisa disease caused later septicemia and later Affection for glass.

so, Peruvian TikTok He used his social network to say he was infected “kissing disease” Making one challenge inside Kennedy Park.

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