This is the number of meals you should eat every day to lose weight

This is the number of meals you should eat every day to lose weight

Whenever we make a suggestion lose weight We have countless questions.We want to know which foods we should avoid, the most effective weight loss exercises, and if Hours of intake affecting food or how many meals to eat We have to say goodbye to those extra pounds.


The first thing we must make clear when we start a diet is that we must turn to experts to help us follow it correctly.After creation Some healthy guidelines are certainly There is no need to starve.

The key is to do Fill your stomach, complete meals and portioned meals This allows our organs to direct energy toward processes such as inflammation.The diet must be complete and not lacking in macronutrients, e.g. Healthy fats, high-quality protein, or a variety of vegetables and fruits.

When it comes to how many meals we should eat, some experts like nutritionist Paloma Quintana are clear. “It makes sense to reduce your meal size to three meals a day because when you eat less often, it’s easier to Reduce caloric intake It even helps with hormonal regulation. ”

The basic principles of diet and weight loss are Don’t go on a dietIt’s about establishing healthy living habits, enjoying good food, feeling satisfied, and never going hungry.We should avoid setting weight goals They can lead to depression and anxiety.

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