from Seville Visas HospitalEmergency Services Coordinator, Ana Luongostressing the importance of going to the hospital for colds, flu and other types of viruses Emergency situations When the general status is “very bad”.
The hospital explains that the arrival of cold weather has led to an increase in emergencies related to respiratory symptoms.some queries which Relapse of symptoms This reminds emergency services experts to remember that when it comes to respiratory infections, the most important thing is know how to differentiate Severity of symptoms.
“Today, the most common illnesses seen in emergency rooms are influenza, colds, and various different types of respiratory viruses, including covid-19,” Luengo explains. All of these viral infections have a common ground“Antibiotics have no effect because it is a virus and treatment focuses on symptoms,” which reinforces the need to “listen to your doctor’s advice and, most importantly, try to avoid new infections.”
For similar symptoms, the most repeated consultations differentiate seasonal flu and colds Common. “Typically, the flu is similar to a cold, but more intense. Among the symptoms that occur with the flu rather than a cold, the temporary nature is most prominent, so a cold develops gradually, while with the flu, symptoms appear immediately. Fever is what distinguishes the flu Another symptom because it’s less common with a cold,” Luengo stressed.
Additionally, Vithas Sevilla Emergency Services emphasizes that you should go to the emergency room. “When overall conditions are very bad”, “When fever doesn’t go away with antipyretics” when they have “Respiratory problems and becoming less saturated than usual” (When the reading is below 95-94%, it can be checked at home with a pulse oximeter). “You should also go to the emergency room when we have tension, that is, when the rib area is pulled because of difficulty breathing. In these cases, it is important to go to the emergency room as soon as possible. When a fever is present, one of the indications is seasonal influenza The main symptom of the spread is the development of muscle pain (called myalgia). Chills are also associated with the flu, along with general weakness, headache and frequent coughing. On the other hand, general symptoms of a cold are sore throat and nasal congestion,” Health Work The author added.
“The accumulation of these symptoms alone already indicates the presence of contagion and must be treated by a specialist, who will be responsible for prescribing antipyretics, in addition to advising to drink plenty of water or juice, as well as the intranasal application of saline to relieve congestion or cough, if the cough is severe Ongoing,” he continued.
Finally, the Vitas Sevilla Emergency Service emphasizes that “influenza patients spread the virus more often within the first three or four days after the onset of symptoms. Indeed, depending on the individual situation, it is possible to be infected with the virus before symptoms appear “Until a week after they appear,” the contagious disease can be “controlled by using masks and avoiding contact with other people in confined spaces.”