A donor has emerged in Florencia and they will have a liver transplant this Tuesday

Source: Cba24n

After days of waiting on the INCUCAI waiting list for a compatible donor to receive a liver transplant, the good news finally came this Tuesday, as Florencia Fernández Nieto (18) will this afternoon at the private Hospital for surgery.

According to the teen’s mother, Andrea Nieto, the girl was in a medically induced coma despite being “in top condition” to receive the organ from the province of Santa Fe.

“His condition is still critical (…), but he can enter the operating room,” Andrea explained.

As the mother explained, Florencia entered the health center and immediately fell into a coma, so the family is trying to “document everything that’s going on, the sequence, so that when she reacts, she can see what’s going on.”

Andrea said that it is still impossible to determine what caused her daughter’s liver failure to be so severe. She said that she expected to conduct corresponding research after the transplant to find out.

What happened to Florence?

“Florence has been healthy, she just has a cold. He has no symptoms of any disease and has not received any treatment.” Andrea told the media SRT.

He added that he suddenly developed “fulminant liver failure”. Her liver was paralyzed, so we needed a whole liver and nothing else,” explained the mother of the 18-year-old girl, who went from being healthy to being on the INCUCAI waiting list within a week.

According to her mother, Florencia began last Saturday (July 22) “with some kind of gastroenteritis and she was treated with medication in Cruz del Eje. On Sunday, she was admitted with severe pain in her stomach, After tests, she was diagnosed with liver failure. On Monday, they urgently transferred her to a private hospital in Córdoba,” he reported.

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