A great action movie to watch on Netflix tonight, it’s worth $125 million.

Watch this high voltage action movie on Netflix tonight which will keep you glued to the couch till the very last scene.

With its insanely vivid stage effects and high-voltage semi-apocalyptic atmosphere, here’s an action movie streaming Netflix Which may appeal to lovers of a style that has an eighties take on earlier styles.die Hard” Or “crystal hell,

The title in question is “skyscraper”, of 2018, and watches in sculpture Dwayne Johnson Leading Actor, known for films like “fast and furious,red notice” And “jumanji, This action thriller film directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber looks like another cast Neve Campbell ,defense attorney,the Scream,House of cards, chin han ,fingering,captain America, roland moller ,atomic blonde, Noah Taylor, byron mann,

cost $125 million for its production, the film This is one of those action movies Which forces you to be on the couch in suspense all the time, with giddy sweaty hands and moments of intense suspense. And perhaps even with a wish to never enter a skyscraper again at the end of the vision.

,skyscraperPerfect as a movie for summer viewing on Netflix or in any case in a situation that doesn’t require big appearances other than the genre in question. In fact, it doesn’t promise much more than you’d expect from a film like this: it’s got action, it’s incredible and it’s got a strong (super)hero who tells us that even a leg can do anything. Is.

The story is set in a futuristic world, mostly based in Hong Kong on a massive skyscraper built by a Chinese billionaire megalomaniac. And here the most exciting and adventurous events take place in order to save loved ones and secure a truly complicated situation.

If you like adrenaline-pumping plots and action protagonists, you can watch this movie on the Netflix catalog so that the suspense remains till the end: will our hero be able to solve the situation?


Watch the trailer and read the story

Will Sawyer is a former FBI agent who lost his leg 10 years ago in a very dangerous hostage situation. He now works in building security and has a prosthetic limb.

He is happily married to Sarah, who treated him for his leg wound, with whom he has a beautiful family with twins.

We find him inside a futuristic skyscraper that stands high in the Hong Kong sky, built by a legendary Chinese billionaire, as he has been appointed head of security. It is the tallest and safest building in the world.

Until, one day, a sudden fire breaks out in this impregnable building due to some suspicious persons setting it on fire. They even manage to get past the security system that Will just cleared.

The situation turns critical and the hours are numbered. It is up to Will to fight the fire and save his beloved family trapped in the plane above the flames.

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