A journey full of desire and commitment

A journey full of desire and commitmentJuan Carlos Cabal

“I want to change my habits, improve and achieve my goals of working in the cryptocurrency business.” Here’s why it’s surprising Juan Carlos, who was only thirteen years old, decided to Follow Our Lady of Fuensanta barefootAs a sign of “sacrifice”. The young man was a true believer in Maria, to whom he prayed every night. He believed that “study would not take him anywhere,” and he wanted to be a man who decided his own path in a self-taught way.

Just like you, This Tuesday, thousands of promises and wishes accompany Morenica This is one of the most important days on the calendar for many Murcians. Louisa also stood barefoot on the throne of Our Lady because of the important promise made to her. His son recently survived a liver transplant despite complications due to infection., so he received a task, which was to climb the mountain with the Virgin when he felt better. On Tuesday, after he had fully recovered and had his wish fulfilled, he came to Algezares to thank his patron saint.

Many parents don’t want to miss this opportunity Bless your newborn child in front of a portrait of Mary. Such was the case for Lori, Harvey, and their two-month-old baby Suzanne. “It’s such a joy to be able to do this,” said the proud mother.

La Morenica shed many tears when he died.

Others brought their children to fulfill their promises, like the one Martha made to her son Francisco, who was just two years old, was hospitalized for 18 days with severe pneumonia. Finally, “thank God”, he improved and was able to fulfill his vow to take him to Fuensanta. Their eleven-year-old little Sonia also accompanies them, and thanks to her mother her devotion is slowly awakening.

Rossio wants to do the same His daughter, who is in a wheelchair because her kneecap recently fell off. He prayed to Morenica for a speedy recovery for his little girl.exactly Thousands of believers desire good healthLike Joaquina, she was also held by her sister Josefa because “all her life she had been saying goodbye to the Blessed Virgin” and this year would be no different.

“This is a very special day,” Antonio said through tears as he followed the Virgin Mary with a cane decorated with an olive branch and a photo of Fuensanta. «She is our patron saint and we trust her to help us.», he exclaimed. The words were uttered with reluctance because of an emotion derived from “the affection and gratitude he had felt for the Virgin Mary since childhood.”

The most supportive sections of Murcian society were also exposed on this trip. Several Caritas volunteers provided pins, bracelets, and bags and other “panocha” themed accessories to help purchase children’s school supplies.

A journey filled with desire and commitment.

albert, Penitent pilgrim and aspiring Franciscan has lost count of how many years he has walked barefoot with the Blessed Mother. He declared himself a devout devotee and this year he accompanied Morenica because of his commitment to his mother, who is now deceased.

Lolo and a friend decided to walk barefoot on the road to Fuensanta: «The reason is personal, to thank Our Lady. Besides, I’m very comfortable barefoot.

“I came here from Argentina a few years ago and we were dealing with the nationality of my partner and three children,” said Maria José. He prayed to God that if they could become Spanish, he would accompany Mary barefoot.. Indeed. “I feel very grateful and I’m a man of his word.”

Photo: Fuensanta Pilgrimage PicturesJuan Carlos Cabal


“I am an atheist and my faith awakened after the intervention of the Holy Spirit.”

He is 22 years old. He was an atheist more than a year ago, but recently his faith awakened after what he defined as “the intervention of the Holy Spirit.”According to him, it was A very difficult period in his life, “riddled with personal problems”, in which he felt divine salvation, to which he responded, for example, with his incredible devotion to Our Lady of Fuensanta. This is the story of Antonio, who walked down the street with the Virgin without shoes. He did it, he said, “As a sign of respect and response to the pain Maria felt”. The young man now prays to Our Lady every day. For him, being so close to La Morenica physically “invites you to be very close to it mentally as well.” Antonio made the entire journey, from the cathedral to the Sanctuary of Algezares, without family or friends, but in the company of the patron saint and thousands of other devotees who, like him, showed fanatical devotion.

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