ABD’de üç Filistinli öğrenci, Yakinlarinda Furoldu Campus

T24 Des Haberler

Located in Vermont, ABD is a thriving campus.

The Burlington Police Department includes the University of Vermont Campus Burlington Police Department, which included Olida Hisham Awartani, Tahseen Ahmed, and Kenan Abdel Hamid; Onlerin Shikip Kindlerin has been targeted by Adam Taravindan Furoldu.

Polis saldırının arkasındaki gerekçeyi soruşturduklarını belirtirken, saldırı anında Filistinli öğrencilerin kefiye taktığını ve Arapça konuşmakta belirtti.

Polis, bulk welding in çalışmalarını sürdürüyor.

Police Burlington is the chief of John Mora, who is well settled, and is also a native of this country.

Haverford University Abdul Hamid was an alumnus of Haverford University. Awartani’nin Brown University; Ahmed University is located in Connecticut’s Trinity College.

20 pieces of Rich Price products have been purchased with 8 years of construction already completed.

The Middle East understands the meaning of the problem and is unable to understand it, but it does not matter if it is connected to it.

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