ABD’den Türkiye’ye Hamas and Russia baskısı… Sert yaptırım sinyali

Ankara and Istanbulda bulunan ABD Maliye Bakanlığı’nın Terörizm ve Mali ISTihbarattan Sorumlu Müsteşarı Brian Nelson, ABD’nin Hamas and Rusya’yla ilişkili Türk şirket ve Kurumlara sert yaptırımlar uygulayacağ ının green siny alini.

After Nelson, the head of Hamas in Turkey, announced his escalation of Hamas’ efforts in Turkey, Nelson said that “Hamas supports Turkey.” Plama Faaliyetleriyle bağlantılı çıkarsa bçok kötü olur. Why don’t you feel bad about it when you don’t know what’s going on? You can’t do anything like that at all times.

Nelson said: “Hamas strongly supports Turkey, due to its involvement in Mali.”

Bazi Turk Kurumlara Yapterim Oygulanmishti

Hamas in Turkey has contributed to strengthening its influence in Turkey, as Russia has contributed to Turkey remaining in the lead of Nelson and Havalanlarinda Cote Fez. The people say that people want to know that they are happy.

ABD, since the old school of Russia and Hamas bazğlantılı gerekçesiyle bazı Türk kişi ve kurumlarına yaptırım uygulamaya başlamıştı.

Nelson began visiting Turkey, where he made lists of the Ross Securities and the Turkish Central Bank, raising the stakes.

Yainlanma Tarihi: 08:26, 1 October 2023

(Tags for translation) Abdul

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