Abdominal swelling due to causes other than SIBO

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Health and Nutrition

Abdominal swelling can have a variety of causes, so it is advisable to see a specialist if symptoms do not subside.

Sarah Flamenco

September 5, 2023 / 1:00pm

SIBO is on the rise.It is strange to say that a disease has become a fad, but the truth is that when certain testimonies appear in Social network Many people who associate abdominal swelling with this pathology go to the doctor with this condition. SIBO stands for “Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth,” which means bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. This syndrome has been described as an excess of bacteria in the small intestine that is normally found in the large intestine and is associated with the following symptoms: indigestionflatulence, nausea, swelling As well as abdominal pain, fatigue, diarrhea and constipation.

In other words, yes, Sibo It can cause abdominal swelling, but that’s not the only reason.still got more Pathology This can cause you to be unable to button up your favorite jeans for a while.If the symptoms do not subside, the best thing to do is to see a doctor doctor Find out the cause at the bedside and be able to remedy it, but keep an open mind.not everything is Sibo.

Helicobacter pylori infection

Infected Helicobacter pylori This is the most common cause of gastritis sore Around the world though not everyone who gets the virus develops such problems.What most people infected with this bacteria agree on is that stomach inflammation, which can cause your stomach to bloat.But not only that, because Helicobacter pylori can also cause a series of non-digestive diseases, such as Migraine, Cardiovascular Disease, and Raynaud’s Disease, representing blood circulation problems in the feet and hands.This bacterium can also cause anxiety and depression Because it reduces serotonin production in the brain. and how to treat it?and antibiotic.

irritable bowel syndrome

he irritable bowel syndrome This is a common condition that affects the stomach and intestines. It can cause cramping, abdominal pain and bloating, gas, diarrhea or constipation (or both).When we refer to bloating associated with irritable bowel, we are referring to abdominal discomfort, which makes us feeling full In a short period of time, even we consume small amounts of food.For symptom relief, the key is to see a doctor so he can tell you what feed Follow, everyone’s situation will be different. In general, a diet low in fat, high in protein and fiber usually comes in handy, limiting foods that produce a lot of gas (cabbage, beans, nuts, alcohol…) and even limiting the intake of gluten and gluten . dairy products.

Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory disease, according to the University Clinic of Navarre chronic and autoimmune The digestive tract, which evolves repeatedly with outbreaks. The main symptoms include abdominal pain, indigestiondiarrhea, fever, weight loss… The inflammation caused by Crohn’s disease can affect different areas of the digestive tract, depending on the individual, and in most cases, small intestine.There is no known cure for Crohn’s disease, but there are therapy They can greatly reduce their signs and symptoms and even reach ease In the long run, the gut becomes inflamed.

celiac disease

this celiac disease or gluten intolerance is the immune system’s response to the consumption of gluten, a protein found in food Wheat, barley, oats and rye. Bloating is one of the most common symptoms in people with celiac disease.may cause inflammation In the digestive tract, bloating and other digestive problems such as diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, fatigue, nausea, or headache may result.If you develop a gluten intolerance, you should remove this nutrient Stop eating and drinking for a few weeks as it takes a while to clear from the body.

lactose intolerance

this lactose intolerance It is caused by lactose malabsorption. If a person has lactose malabsorption, their small intestine produces low levels of lactose. Lactase, an enzyme that breaks down lactose, you can’t digest all the lactose you eat or drink.If ingested by persons with lactose intolerance dairy productslactose is deposited in the intestine and produces gas, abdominal indigestion, abdominal cramping, bloating and diarrhea. As with celiac disease, you must eliminate lactose from your diet in order to avoid these symptoms.

How to Avoid Belly Swelling

What happens when you go to a professional and you don’t have any of these conditions?maybe yours living habit and/or insufficient food.here you have five guidelines You can avoid tummy bloat and get back to a flat stomach by following these steps:

  1. eat slowly: As the professionals say, the digestive process begins in the mouth, chew and salivating.If you eat quickly, with hardly any chewing, you’re forcing your stomach to do more work breaking down the food, so Digestion This requires more.
  2. leave blank: communication between brain and stomach It’s not instantaneous until you don’t notice fullness 20 minutes After swallowing the last bite. Therefore, it is best to eat while still feeling a little hungry, because you will feel full after a while.
  3. Drink water: Hydration is essential to avoid belly bloat Fluid retention. If you don’t drink, the body will retain as much fluid as possible as a survival mechanism, so it’s important to at least drink water two liters of water up to date.
  4. do excercise: When you exercise or at least give up your sedentary lifestyle, intestinal transit Mobilized, fluid is eliminated and swelling is reduced.
  5. Beware of Fiber: Fiber is necessary, but intake must be adequate and cannot exceed 30 grams per day. If too much is consumed, digestive disturbances, diarrhea and abdominal distension may occur due to undigested fiber. can accumulate.

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