Access to beaches in Viedma jurisdiction restricted as sea lions have been infected with bird flu for 14 days

These beaches include: El Pescadero, Bajada Erica, Bajada de Cailoto Beach, Central Beach, Intermediate Beach, Bajada El Faro, Bajada de Picoto, El Espigón, Playa Bonita, La Lobería, Bahía Rosas and Bahía Creek.

“We have to prevent the spread of bird flu and birds in the area are going through a crisis due to the number of cases along the coast of Widmans,” said the Widmans community chief.

The municipality also, through Decree No. 892, requested the cooperation of provincial administrations to develop measures to reduce the movement of people and livestock along the Atlantic coast.

Other measures include setting up security fencing, restricting access and posting alert notices at the entrance to Viedmense ejido beach.

“The province’s cooperation is critical in order to maintain police control of these areas and the flow of conservationists, and to accurately report the virus situation.”

The decree also states the appointment of Gastón Gutiérrez, Minister of Services, Public Spaces and the Environment, as the city’s representative on the crisis committee.

There will also be an ongoing communication plan on current measures and protocols “to avoid exposing the population to dangerous situations”.

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