According to junta, there is no evidence that contamination in Quiles occurred in Castile and León

The military junta of Castile and León reported on Tuesday that “No evidence“That hypothetical Pollution in the Queles River originates in Castile and LeonTherefore, the origin of the gastroenteritis epidemic affecting more than 500 people in several cities of Tarazona and Aragon remains unknown and therefore “still under investigation”.

The Minister of Environment, Housing and Territorial Planning said, Juan Carlos Suarez-QuinonesDuring Tuesday’s plenary session, Vanessa García Macarrón, lawyer for the Soriaia organization, asked the committee about the sources of pollution in the Queles River, which flows through the province of Soriaa and Communities of Aragon and Navarre.

just because The river flows through several autonomous regions The consultant argued that the National Directorate, through the Ebro Hydrological Federation and the municipalities themselves, are responsible for investigating this focus because it affects “slobber”.

However, Suarez Quiñones said the military junta of Castile and León had exercised its power despite the fact that it Diseases do not need to be notified Veterinarians and Seprona technicians investigated the facilities of the Vozmediano Fish Farm (Soria) and confirmed through university reports that the company was not the source of the outbreak.

For all these reasons, the Junta of Castile and León stresses that the current status of this investigation is that the competent authorities, the CHE and the municipalities are Work in a coordinated mannerHe added that the community had cooperated “even though there was no evidence that this was the source of the contamination”.

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