The actor, who has been living at La Casa del Teatro for several months, was hospitalized over the weekend. Details of your painting.
Famed actor Jorge Martinez was hospitalized this weekend with a urinary tract infection. Linda Peretz, president of La Casa del Teatro, where the actor has been living for the past few months, confirmed the news.
Worrying developments emerged over the weekend, with Martinez’s health deteriorating. Peretz shared the latest news with the media, saying: “Yes. He is hospitalized with a urinary tract infection. That’s the only thing I know right now.”
Reporter Pablo Lajos reported that Martinez’s daughter received a call Saturday night reporting her father’s illness. In response, they quickly arranged for an ambulance to take him to a nursing home, where medical professionals diagnosed the actor with a urinary tract infection. “It’s okay, there’s control,” Lajos said.
Martinez’s condition before hospitalization
Martinez retired from show business and has been living at La Casa del Teatro since August. Peretz explained, “He was in a nursing home, he was a little sick, he had physical problems. He came here and started to get better little by little, he was taken care of, he was bathed, he was fed, he was pampered broken” “.
Despite a stellar career in the entertainment industry, the actor has retired from acting, so he has chosen to keep a low profile and not reveal details about himself. He also did not want to provide clarification to the media.
In addition to worrying about Jorge Martinez’s health, Linda Peretz also revealed the financial difficulties La Casa del Teatro is facing. “We are bankrupt and they cut off our gas supply. We have a monthly deficit of 2 million pesos,” he said.
Source: Canal26