Autumn and winter in Holguin province lead to an increase in the incidence of acute respiratory infections (ARI), especially in the pediatric age group, especially children under two years of age.
Dr. María Migdalia Paneque Mendoza, Deputy Director of the Intensive Care Unit at the Octavio de la Concepción y de la Pedraja Pediatric Hospital, said, “This increase has been seen in hospital settings because acute respiratory infections, including bronchiolitis, are an emerging disease and are Affects younger children to a greater extent.
Bronchiolitis is caused by the respiratory syncytial virus, and its basic symptom is shortness of breath. Therefore, Holguin families need to be aware of these symptoms promptly and act accordingly.
One of the immediate actions taken by health personnel responsible for the care of pediatric patients was to train pediatricians in the nine health districts of the provincial capital on acute respiratory infections.
This improvement was also emphasized by Alberto Rubén Piriz Assa, Sc.D., head of the region’s Maternal and Infant Health Project (PAMI), who was present at the initiative and a first-level specialist in pediatrics.
Acute respiratory infections (ARI) are currently a major health problem in the province of Holguin, with high morbidity and severe consequences for populations such as children and the elderly. These diseases are defined as a spectrum of respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to pneumonia, otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis, acute bronchitis and laryngitis.
The most common symptoms include general malaise, congestion and runny nose, cough, sore throat, sputum production and difficulty breathing, with or without fever. Therefore, it is important to understand the risk factors and treat them promptly to prevent complications or death.
The behavior of other acute respiratory infections, such as influenza, other coronaviruses and pneumonia, which are among the top ten causes of death in the province and in Cuba every year, must also be closely monitored.