“Adventurers in the city”, mural inaugurated at the Fermi school in Lainate

“Adventurers in the city”, mural inaugurated at the Fermi school in Lainate

On Saturday 15 April a new mural was inaugurated in the Enrico Fermi school complex as part of the “Adventurers in the city” project. Realized with the help of the SERENA Cooperative of Lainate and the contribution of the North Milan Community Foundation.

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“Adventurers in the city”, mural inaugurated at the Fermi school in Lainate 4 of 35

A morning full of emotion for the students of the Fermi First Grade Secondary School who welcomed Mayor Tagliaferro, councilor Scaldalai, and the many parents who came to admire the large mural decoration painted in the school courtyard.

The aim of the “Adventurers in the city” project was the redevelopment of the external space of the school: in particular with the addition of mural decoration along the entire length of the courtyard wall. The inauguration day therefore aims to enhance the great work of planning and execution carried out by 23 students selected from all the classes coordinated by the teachers: Limido, Pravettoni, Palumbo, Giraudi, Pontoriero, Arbia, by the educator Tania Caporali of the Serena cooperative and by the volunteers of the Industrious Bee Association.

19 female figures have been painted who have distinguished themselves for having changed history, science, literature, art and sport with their work: Anne Frank, Rosa Parks, Rita Levi Montalcini, Lucia Annibali, Alda Merini, Agatha Christie, Claudette Colvin, Greta Thunberg, Marie Curie, Frida Kahlo, Billie Eilish, Samantha Cristoforetti, Bebe Vio, Gianna Fratta, Federica Pellegrini, Margherita Hack, Amelia Earhart, Emma Watson and Emanuela Loi.

Each Figure was chosen by each of the 19 classes that adopted it as a reference and model. The event was opened by the intervention of the head of the complex, Prof. Cattani who introduced the “guides” representing each class who illustrated the reasons and a brief
biography of each painted figure. The story of the characters ended with the figure of Emanuela Loi, judge Borsellino’s escort agent, perished in the massacre in via D’Amelio following which the audio message that Claudia Loi, Emanuela’s sister, recorded in a sign of thanks to the students for wanting to remember their sister. In her touching messages, Claudia Loi underlined to those present the value of legality and solidarity that also passes through the small daily gestures of each one.

Then there were the intervention of Mayor Tagliaferro and councilor Scaldalai and the long-awaited ribbon cutting. The morning continued with a musical interlude animated by the students coordinated by Prof. Arbia which was followed by a performance of Irish Dances by the group of San Vittore Olona JACKO DANCE ASD which then dragged all the participants into a great dance of group.

The event ended with refreshments kindly offered by the parent committee.

Full text of the audio by Claudia Loi

“Hello guys, I’m Claudia, Emanuela’s sister, thank you for painting a wall with 19 female figures that changed our history. Among these is also my sister. Thank you! For us family members it is always a source of comfort to keep our memory alive and it fills us with joy that in our country there are so many good-hearted people who are committed to civil and social progress. Emanuela, in this context, represents that seed that dies and bears much fruit. We are strongly convinced that: this is the legacy that you have left us and for which we must use your memory of you to shake our consciences. Remembering means: not only rejecting an underworld and corruption context, but making a firm commitment to be on the side of legality and solidarity with small daily events that are part of our lifestyle. I like to repeat what I have already said on other occasions: that the blood shed by my sister Emanuela together with that of many other men and women who died in pursuit of a noble ideal must continue to keep alive in the world a desire for justice and peace. Thank you guys to all of you for your commitment with love”

Claudia Loi.

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