After Ortiz, they launch a campaign to fight the disease in Guerrero

Facing the effects of hurricanes Otis In Acapulco and Coyuca de Benitez, Health authorities took action to prevent the disaster from posing additional risks to the health of victims, como It occurs after a hurricane hits the Pacific, e.g. Paulina Kenner and Isidore In the Yucatan Peninsula.

Health intervention experts in the face of natural disasters, Carlos Alberto Pantoja MelendezIt was explained that serious health problems arose after the first month of the disaster, related to the lack of chlorination of the water.

Currently, the National Water Commission (Conagua) has the equipment to purify the water, but it may not be able to comply once water and water systems are restored. Perform adequate chlorination to avoid infection.

Pantoja explained that in Guerrero expected due to hurricane Otis Increased acute respiratory and gastrointestinal infectionsas well as cases of tetanus (caused by cuts or wounds infected by contaminated water), and possible lice outbreaks in temporary shelters.

“In the state of Guerrero, acute respiratory infections have become quite severe since last year, with the number of cases ranging from 300,000 to 350,000 affected so far in 2023. There is a clear increase and we also There is no end to the year. Infections could rise rapidly due to devastation left by hurricane OtisEpidemiologists explained in interviews millennium.

respiratory tract infection

The federal government’s most recent report shows that of the 21,065 services provided after hurricanes Otis, 25% are related to acute respiratory infections.

“The spread of the Vibrio cholerae strain that causes cholera has not been detected in Guerrero, which is reassuring in disaster situations,” clarified Pantoja Meléndez, who worked in the disease control team due to the hurricane. Pauline (Landing in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, October 1997); Isidore (Merida, September 2002) and Kenner (Pacific, October 2002).

Furthermore, experts explain that overcrowding in temporary shelters and lack of drinking water are the main causes of infectious diseases, such as Pharyngeal tonsillitis.


What is pharyngeal tonsillitis?

Pharyngeal tonsillitis, a bacterium caused by Streptococcus, can cause serious illnesses such as acute rheumatic fever, renal failure, bacteremia (bacteria in the blood), and in extreme cases, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome, which can lead to multiple Organ failure and death.

In Guerrero, academics commented Department of Public Health, School of MedicineThe National Autonomous University of Mexico has received reports of cases of pharyngeal tonsillitis.

In 2022, the Directorate General of Epidemiology (DGE) Guerrero state reports 19,941 official casesmaking this entity the second most prevalent after Tamaulipas (Tamaulipas has 28,768 cases).

Otis disease

Strep throat and tonsillitis caseshe According to the DGE database, this number has increased to 24,890 as of October 22-28, 2023.

“The year is not over yet, the numbers are 20% higher than 2022, and the numbers could skyrocket due to hurricane conditions,” he said.

The effects of bacterial or viral respiratory illness (which may turn into pneumonia) will be felt within these weeks. “Currently, all actions are focused on resolving emergencies, reintroducing essential services, and dealing with trauma cases. But in shelters where displaced people are housed, large-scale contagion can occur and lead to unwanted outbreaks.” Pantoja Meléndez explains.

He clarified that despite this Mexican army takes charge of shelters and their controlAll it takes is one person coming in and out to infect an entire closed household.

Diarrheal disease in children under five is serious because within a few hours, they become dehydrated and worsen, he said.

“You don’t need to have hundreds of cases, with 10 children the risk is serious.”

Additionally, he said, there is an incubation period and, depending on the source of infection, these outbreaks may occur in very austere areas that are inaccessible to oral serum.

Lice outbreak after Otis passes

He added that lice are also common in shelters, “There are five people with lice and there is an outbreak right now, but the fact is, they are treatable.”

Contamination of drinking water by wastewater, including feces, dead animals, and spoiled food, can lead to gastrointestinal illness. The incubation period is as long as 14 days, at which time a serious outbreak may occur.

Placing large quantities of lime in settlements, collecting pots and pans, and chlorinating water are some initial measures to reduce the spread of pathogens.

“There are lots of control measures, but there’s no way to prevent others. For example, during Hurricane Kenner, the sea was filled with dead fish and the smell was terrible. “All the fish were buried. “

Another problem that must be controlled is tetanus. “We are in a disaster zone and the risk of those cleaning the streets, including those returning home, from cutting themselves increases the risk of serious neurological illness,” he said.


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