After six months, Argentina is bird flu-free again

Senasa notified the OIE of the latest outbreak.

The National Service for Sanitation and Quality of Agricultural Products (Senasa) has informed the World Organization for Animal Health (DNSA) that Argentina has returned to a state of health as recommended by the international organization and has become bird flu-free.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries informed that the health action against the latest outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza in poultry has been completed, Ended last of 18 outbreaks detected Commercial organizations registered in my country.

Agriculture Minister Juan José Bajillo emphasized “the interface with the productive sector and with provincial and national institutions so that Argentina can Epidemiologically stable after nearly 6 months since it was first discovered on poultry farms”.

“The National Service for Agri-Food Hygiene and Quality (Senasa) submitted this document with a self-declaration to the World Organization for Animal Health (OMSA) that supports and maintains Argentina’s current status as a country free of the disease,” Bashiro explained. the state of the country.”

162 days have passed since the first case of bird flu in Argentina, 18 outbreaks in poultry farms affecting about 2.2 million poultry. Most of the cases are in the province of Buenos Aires, but there are also cases in Neuquen, Rionegro, Entre Ríos, Córdoba, Chubut and Santa Fe.

“We have taken effective action to control the disease and provided assurance of epidemiological surveillance that the disease is not present in the national poultry industry. We continue to work on zoning tools with the aim of keeping international trade in poultry uninterrupted should this occur will regrow,” said Ximena Melón, National Director of Animal Health at Senasa.

In addition, Mellon emphasized: “DNSA, its business areas in various regions, the work carried out by Senasa National Laboratory, combined with the cooperation with production departments and provincial and national agencies, make the restoration of epidemiological stability after the outbreak an important task. Possibly. It has been nearly 6 months since the virus was first detected on a poultry farm”.

With regard to international trade, Senasa maintains the Sanitation negotiations with more than 30 export destinations Through information exchange and bilateral meetings, including visits to Chinese health authorities.

Likewise, work on the recognition of HPAI zoning with countries of destination for goods continues to be active and prioritized in order to achieve maximum stability in trade in our country’s products, taking into account the possibility of new outbreaks.

“The end of the last poultry operation (commercial cycle) represents a milestone in disease control, as the current situation shows that the containment actions taken have been effective. However, it is important to take into account the HPAI emergency in our country is still ongoing and the disease is transmitted through migratory birds, which is why the health challenges facing the country’s poultry farming remain,” said the director general of the National Animal Health Service.

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