Agreement on increased fees and safety measures for bird flu in sea lions in Puerto Mar del Plata – Pescare

Increase in fees for the Mar del Plata Regional Ports Alliance. It was established by resolution following a partial review of the CPRMDP Schedule of Norms.

These regulations were approved through an annex that was part of this year’s Resolution No. 377-28 as part of the review of the current fee schedule of the Mar del Plata Regional Ports Alliance, which is expected to be applied in September 2023 and is expected to apply this year’s planned increase in the use of peso concessions The third tranche of the fee, defined as a 23% increase, was initially scheduled for October 2023.

Likewise, in its second article, the organization hosting the meeting Gabriel Felicia – Sign the resolution together with the Director’s Secretary Eduardo Meyer——Indicates that the comprehensive review of the resource expenditure budget for 2023 will be postponed to the next board meeting.

Furthermore, all actions aimed at mitigating the health emergency caused by avian influenza, which seriously affects the sea lion population in Puerto Mar del Plata, have been entrusted to the Presidency of the Puerto Mar del Plata Alliance.

To this end, they have implemented a protocol of safety and care measures for marine mammals in the Puerto Mar del Plata, focusing on the development of safety and care measures not only for the animals but specifically for the port population… and the general population, but also for this purpose required expenditures and their budget lines, so at every board meeting they report on the status of the situation.

In the same resolution, temporary excess funds in pesos available in banks’ current accounts were authorized to be invested in co-investment funds within the options available in the system that meet the conditions of high liquidity, low risk and immediate rescue.

They also authorize management and partial or full rescue to meet obligations paid in the short term, applying the authorization and signature scheme approved by the same Board of Directors in the 2020 resolution.

Additionally, the Mar del Plata Ports Alliance called for a public tender, but nothing came of it. In April this year, the case involved the acquisition of a trapezoidal rubber defense system for breakwaters No. 2, No. 3 and the North Breakwater within the jurisdiction of the Port of Mar del Plata.

According to information published in the official gazette of the province, the above-mentioned tender will be held at 11 am on October 20 at the headquarters of the consortium (B/P Marlin 404), with an official budget including US$ 1 million in VAT Buenos Aires.

The basic and conditional documents are free of charge for interested parties and can be collected at the Alliance Headquarters, located at the entrance to Av. de los Pescadores and Pequero Marlin Street, by the third working day before the stated opening date. Promotional hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

This information is also available on the CPRMDP website and can be requested by email to

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