Ahhhhh!Learn 8 Important Steps to Fight Allergies


Ahhhhh!Learn 8 Important Steps to Fight Allergies

Spring brings us more than just flowers, so be warned if you don’t want to be the star of disposable paper towels. Itching, inflammation, and conjunctivitis are commonplace. But don’t worry, we’re here to suggest eight urgent (and slightly crazy) measures to avoid the discomfort of spring allergies.

1. Play as a secret agent and lock all doors and windows! Don’t allow pollen to break into your secret sanctuary.

2. During peak pollen season, it’s best to move pollen! Pollen begins to spread between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m. and between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m.

3. When you’re driving, roll up your windows like you’re in the Matrix.

4. Don’t venture outside when pollen counts are above equilibrium.

5. Dry your clothes in the dryer rather than on the patio. Pollen doesn’t deserve to be invited to play with your style.

6. Wear a mask and sunglasses when going out to places with a lot of pollen, Batman mode

7. In spring, grass is not your best friend, so let it grow normally and don’t sit on it.

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