Alabi says health department sees up to 40 covid-19 cases a week

The latest epidemiological bulletin issued by Salud shows that cases of infection with the disease were reported in the second week of 20 August.

The head of the Ministry of Health (Minsal), Francisco Alabi, confirmed yesterday that they were seeing 30 to 40 covid-19 cases per week; however, he criticized the questioning of the death toll from the virus, as the number of deaths due to the respiratory disease was much higher. “With the increase in respiratory diseases, so will the number of cases of all viruses that we can observe, including covid-19. We are identifying 30 cases, 40 of them by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) Minister Arabi declared, “Each epidemiological week”. According to the minister, the number of infections identified by the health sector is lower than in the first years of the pandemic, which he assured was a 95% reduction compared to that year. “We have to make comparisons in order to understand that at this time we How many cases of covid-19 and how many cases we had in the epidemiology of the previous week and we realized that, obviously, there were more than 95% fewer cases of covid-19 than before “in last year’s epidemiology week” the officials argued. However, Arabi pointed out that detection of the disease also depends on the use of PCR testing, asserting that “people are no longer waiting for covid-19 testing.” That is, from August 6 to 12, a total of 20 infections were registered, the highest level since February.

“Influenza B and A kill more people”

Health chiefs, on the other hand, questioned the emphasis on the current and deadly nature of the SARS-CoV2 virus, despite the fact that “influenza B and A kill more people.” There has been an increase in concordant respiratory illnesses as they are more likely to occur at this stage of the year (rainy season) and the impact of parainfluenza, covid-19 respiratory syncytial virus will increase and this has to be taken into account as Alabi said this This virus can be as deadly as influenza B in the elderly. He also explained that the pneumonia cases are in the success zone, which means that most of the respiratory illnesses are diseases without the eventual complications of pneumonia. In light of the above, the official emphasized, “We can do a lot, but we cannot eliminate the spread of the disease, all we can do is protect the people as much as possible.” The minister does not prescribe that the new covid-19 Eris has spread in El Salvador, but he insisted that the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) said there was no need to be alarmed by new variants of the virus because, while more contagious, they had a lower infection rate. In the past, the same minister has assured that covid-19 is the current priority due to the recent death toll from the epidemic around the world.

COVID-19 outbreak

After the August holidays, ISSS health units and medical units received a new wave of flu and covid-19 patients.August 17, 2023Four weeks ago, doctors in the private sector warned of a new wave of covid-19 infections.August 22, 2023Physicians in private practice require the Ministry of Health to report cases of respiratory disease.August 22, 2023The ISSS union of medical workers has reported an increase of up to 40% in hospital admissions due to covid-19.August 23, 2023The Ministry of Health (Minsal) confirmed a slight increase in the number of covid-19 infections in the first few weeks of August.

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