Alain Delon abused and molested, children allege Japanese gangster. “She yells at him, he’s aggressive”

Famous French actor Alain Delon, 87, will be victim of harassment by his carer, Hiromi Rollins, This has been supported by the actor’s children, who, through Christophe Ayala, the family’s lawyer, denounced the woman as “abusing by taking advantage of a position of vulnerability”.

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caretaker victim

And the actor also joined the children’s complaint against the caretaker, who has been keeping tabs on Dylan’s life for some time, in a written statement for “moral harassment.” Delon lives with the woman in the rural area of ​​Dauchi, about a hundred kilometers south of Paris.

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sons reported it

The actor’s three children, Anuchka, Alain-Fabian and Anthony Delon, claim that 60-year-old Hiromi Rollins became increasingly aggressive towards their father after he suffered a stroke in 2019. In the complaint filed against the 60-year-old, he has been accused of defamation. and verbal attacks from which the 87-year-old would not be able to defend himself given his fragile condition.

isolated actor

“The woman continued to use manipulation and threats to separate Alain Delon from her loved ones, her friends, her family. He answers for her, pretending to be her, trying to intercept her mail. He prevents his children from visiting him regularly, as they always do. She shows herself to be bullying, dictatorial, even mistreating Mr. Delon’s dog in an unacceptable manner, allegations made by the Delon family. It is alleged that the French Penal Code provides for three years in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros for moral harassment.

Alain Delon and Hiromi Rollin have known each other for nearly thirty years and in 2021, Delon introduces her as his Japanese partner, while lawyer Christophe Elea describes her as a lady-in-waiting.

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