Alberto Fernandez kicks off final international tour with G20 summit and fresh criticism of IMF

According to, Alberto set to deliver tough speech at final G20 summit It will be held in New Delhi, India The International Monetary Fund and the international financial system came under fresh criticism between Friday and Sunday, blaming them for Argentina’s debt crisis.

This way, During the election campaign, the government seeks to serve as a showcase for an international forum to confront and profit from the opposition and will persist Attribution to inheritance received from macrismothe crisis facing the government and its candidate and economy minister, Sergio Massa.

Fernandez will insist before his G20 peers on the need to revisit the global financial architecture and will refer to the challenge of climate change and the food and energy insecurity the planet is experiencing, among other issues.

The New Delhi summit of heads of state will be the third and final G20 summit attended by Alberto Fernandez himself. The last time he was in Bali, Indonesia, last November, he developed erosive gastritis with signs of bleeding and had to cancel events.

Alberto Fernandez meets Xi Jinping at the G20 summit 2.jpg

exist Attend the G20 Summit in Rome in October 2021, Italy, in his first year in office (November 2020), the forum leaders meeting was virtual due to the coronavirus pandemic, which was the exclusive topic of the conference.

Cristina in power, Rossi and Massa in power

Alliance of Massa, Rossi, Vado de Pedro and Petaling Jaya Governor. UP presidential formula first political photo.jpg

This time he will leave Vice President Christine Kirchner Take charge of state administration for about 10 daysHe, although in the Rose Palace, they do not expect the leader of Kirchnerism to settle in the historic building at 50 Barcas, which she knows how to occupy for two consecutive terms; since taking office in 2019, he Didn’t do so on any international visits, and because he chose to keep a strictly low profile during the campaign.

In terms of the government, apart from Cristina in form, the chief of staff and vice-presidential candidate Agustín Rossi and the minister of economy and presidential candidate Sergio Massa are still in charge. All within a month of the election.

The president was accompanied by his foreign minister during the final aerial rally before the Dec. 10 transfer of power Santiago Cafiero, Secretary-General of the Bureau, Zhu Yue VitobelloAmbassador to the United States, Jorge Aguero and spokeswoman Gabriela Cerruti, Before leaving, he announced the signing of a decree honoring the government of Gabriel Boric in Chile, stripping former dictator Augusto Pinochet of his honor.

It was a move amid a bitter election clash between the government and opposition candidate Javier Millais. The ruling party has accused its vice-presidential candidate, Victoria Villaruel, of being a “denier” of authoritarian brutality. In a decree signed by Alberto Fernandez, the government accused Pinochet of promoting a wave of dictatorship in the region, known in the 1970s as “Operation Condor”.

Alberto’s agenda and G20 bilateral meetings

Alberto Fernández and his greeting with US President Joe Biden at the G20 summit in Rome.jpg

Alberto Fernández and his greeting with US President Joe Biden at the G20 summit in Rome.

Alberto will depart from Ezeiza earlier this Thursday and is scheduled to arrive in New Delhi this Friday morning and stay at the Pullman Hotel with his entourage.

Saturday at 9:00am, attend the Welcome Ceremony The host, the Prime Minister of India, delivered an official address to the leaders and heads of delegation attending the summit, narendra modiwhich will start the summit.

US President Joe Biden has promised to attend the New Delhi meeting, but Chinese leader Xi Jinping and the Russian leader have declined to attend. vladimir putinbut they will send representatives.

Fernandez will deliver his fourth speech, after which he plans to hold bilateral meetings with the President of the Republic of Korea, Yoon Hee-yeol, the President of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Mohamed Bienzayed Al Nahyan, and the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates. The President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, spoke again before everyone returned to the G-20 plenary meeting at 4:45 pm on the same Saturday.

The summit will culminate in a dinner with the rest of the G20 heads of state on Saturday night and a third plenary meeting at noon on Sunday before the Argentine delegation flies to Chile Attend Monday’s commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Augusto Pinochet’s coup against then-Socialist President Salvador Allende.

International politics caught up in campaign and populist views against Murray

Millais Massa Burridge.webp

Head of International Relations of the Ruling Party Presidential Candidate, Sergio MassaGustavo Martínez Pandiani took part in a heated debate this week with the candidate’s international relations representative Javier MilletDiana Mondino and technical team lead Patricia BurridgeFederico Pinedo and they straddle the divide on the international relations policy that the next Argentine government must adopt.

In the “democracy and development” cycle, pandiani -Current ambassador to Switzerland and possible prime minister if Massa becomes president, Alberto Fernandez is expected to sign strategic partnerships with: Business platform in Brazil, China, Mercosur and BRICS countries.

In the face of Mondino and Pinedo’s criticism of the BRICS countries, Pandiani retorted: “In the real world, choosing a business partner is not based on who made me personally feel more comfortable at your ex’s party, nor is it based on the ideology of these countries.”

Pandiani directly criticized Milley’s advocacy of plans to cut trade ties with China, Mercosur and the BRICS, saying Millay and Burridge ” Both views on the BRICS are subject to ideological scrutiny, or worse, the product of personal scrutinyas if foreign policy should be defined by my personal taste”.

Let me add: “Our country needs foreign exchange All this through more exports, more investment and more inclusive tourism. Now is not the time to play amateurs on international issues, we cannot improvise, the cost of doing so is too high. foreign policy cannot play idle or ideological games’, he emphasized.

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