Alexia was surprised because PetrEgo never had a direction

Humor page published in SEMANARIO DE JUNÍN print and digital edition No. 382.Corresponds to the week of November 4 to 10, 2023

Alexia was surprised because PetrEgo never had a directionAlexia asked, pacing back and forth, picking up the papyrus. The driver was ready to get on and off the Galera. He’d been living a busy life ever since his friends kicked up the planks and sent the rest of the kingdom spinning in the air, wondering which carriage to ride.

It seems that everything broke out that night when Amarillo I woke up from a lethargy and a lost bridge game and decided to stab his former subjects and friends, embracing Count Deschiziuz I , that is, the person who wants to celebrate when the first round ends safely, the gastritis is over, and sees the applause of others.

Amarillo I did not wait for this problem, as quickly as he brought carriages with bulk documents to the kingdom or soiled the postal stations, not caring at all about what was no longer useful to him, he decided to gather together with Desquiziuz to see this What happened in the new story.

Meanwhile, Team Yellow continues to figure out how to redraw the pizzicato, as they warn that “Desqui” is a leap into the void, an impossible space. The overflow started from there. Some on one side, others on the other, and among the small payments, Alexia was finding her place. Just in case, she warned that it had nothing to do with Deschiziuz, and even if they came to cut her throat, she would not put her vote in that urn. He also did not clarify whether he tilted it to the other side, although Sergius I is believed to be his consecrated saint.

Regardless, despite all the unpleasantness, he gained the peace of mind that voters gave him. Although he lost voters, he screwed up four years of work in Rivadavia’s chair, so he had time to continue enjoying the good life. In the earthquake of his motherland, he showed a victor’s smile.

Will see if he follows his words and if this is the “best version” of all his actions. No need to clarify that it doesn’t take much, just a little effort and some desire to make it happen.

Of course, some advice probably wouldn’t hurt: You can start visiting places away from the couch, away from the flowering rapajo, on dusty roads, away from the colorful signs in the center and into unmarked neighborhoods.

Try it after it rains and see if it comes out. Things like that, I mean, literally taking a shower. Only in this way can his words be valid and he can verify so many complaints for so many years. ‘There must be a reason’.

This is a matter of governance. Start managing. He had enough scholarship money to start work.

Peter Egg

Seeing Antonia’s decision to take charge of Ojitos de cielo, PetrEgo began to delve deeper into his family and what would be the best option for his future.

Now that he has secured a third term and has forgotten that everything he said was anti-politics, there is nothing better than to start seeing this new option, ask his Jermou first and then ask him Where is the best course for your child? But of course, Maria Victoria was no Juliana, and she didn’t have Antonia to put first. But despite this, the crucible of marriage still seems complicated, so the future of the city of Fria remains uncertain.

In fact, the unknown remains Petr Ego, who has never had a direction. Luckily, though, there were plenty of garden kids taking photos in the office. The same people say that his business is management. After all, if that’s why he finished third, why change it? It will be a matter of starting to repeat planks, having fun, and complaining just in case.

A new period has begun. Four years in advance. “Our best version is coming soon,” he said after the winner was announced. Does this deepen your thinking? More makeup where it’s not necessary and maybe take some action where there are more complaints?

As Rapacho blooms while being photographed, dirt and anger build up far from the center. Linda, Cold City. Starting from the 21st century, also starting from the 19th century. As for all tastes, they are only for the enjoyment of some and the suffering of many.

We tell you everything we didn’t do this week

*) Thank you again for four years of making boards.

*) Remove the San Expedito seal from the office.

*) Control motorcycle bite. It was a brutal campaign.

*) Complete the drawing of the dividing line between San Martin and Rivadavia. Troncoso still disagrees.

*) Start implementing what we call the best possible version. You don’t think we’re going to work, do you?

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