all about one of the most famous rappers in the world

Travis Scott is a rapper with big numbers: millions of copies sold, first places in the charts, thousands of people at concerts. A millennial doc, he is considered one of the most famous rappers in today’s music world.

NAME: Jacques Bermond Webster II aka Travis Scott

PLACE OF BIRTH: Houston, Texas


THE MILLENNIUM FACTOR: Adrenaline abundance and great stubbornness

Who is Travis Scott: hints at life

Travis Scott, pseudonym of Jacques Berman Webster II, was born in Houston, Texas on April 30, 1991. He grew up in Missouri City, a fairly affluent area located in the Greater Houston area. His father is a successful businessman, and his mother works at Apple, and Travis spent most of his childhood with his grandmother. Thanks to his family, young Jacques graduated from the university at the age of 17 and subsequently entered the university, leaving him, however, in his second year to devote himself entirely to music, his true passion.

His entry into the world of music, however, is not easy: without money and without a job, Travis moves first to New York and then to Los Angeles, where he tries in every possible way to experiment and earn a living. After many ups and downs, finally a glimmer of light: the artist is noticed by a rapper from Atlanta, YOUknown as the “godfather of traps”.

Thanks to him and many other famous persons of that universe (one of all Kanye West), Travis Scott step by step really becomes Travis Scotta name inspired by Uncle Travis and the rapper he loved so much Baby Cudiewhose real name, coincidentally, is Scott.

From Owl Pharaoh to global success Astroworld AND Utopia: Travis Scott really did it

Scott’s first project, born in close collaboration with the great Kanye West, is Owl Pharaoh, has been delayed several times with quite a few problems. Travis’ career is starting to take a different turn: he is also making his name as a producer, and his name is starting to travel almost everywhere in the music scene. He collaborates with big names and releases his new albums, among which he certainly stands out. Astroworld. His songs travel around the world, appear in such large-scale series as Game of Thrones and place at the top of all leaderboards.

The Travis Scott phenomenon is known all over the world: Netflix also dedicated a documentary to him. Look mom I can fly.

In 2021, during one of the performances of the Astroworld festival, about eleven people die due to too much crowding and crowding. After the tragic event, Travis Scott founded an association Healing Project to ensure greater safety at concerts.

V 2023 the expected comes out Utopiacomplete with a surprise concert at the Circus Maximus in Rome: Travis Scott is recognized as one of the most famous rappers in the world.

Travis Scott on social media





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