Almanac today, July 26: birthdays, anniversaries and saints

July 26 is the 207th day of the Gregorian calendar (206th in leap years). There are 158 days left until the end of the year. Here is a holy day, birthdays and anniversaries to remember.

What is celebrated on July 26: saint’s day and world days

On July 26, the Catholic Church celebrates the parents of Mary, the grandparents of Jesus, San Gioacchino and Sant’Anna, who have been remembered together on this day since 1969, after the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council.

July 26 is World Uncle and Aunt Day. Anniversary was set in 2009 writer Melanie Notkin, who dedicated the book The Others to her uncles, coining the term “punks” (an acronym for “Professional Aunts No Kids”).

Birthdays, anniversaries, anniversaries

There are many famous people who celebrate their birthday on July 25, among them we remember: AielloItalian singer; Sandra Bullock, American actress and director; Francesco Cossiga, 8th President of the Italian Republic (died 2010); Aldous HuxleyEnglish writer (died 1963); Mike JaggerEnglish singer; Carl Gustav JungSwiss psychologist (died 1961); Stanley KubrickAmerican director (died 1999); George Bernard ShawIrish writer, Nobel laureate (died 1950).

It happened today

  • 811 – The Byzantine Empire is defeated by the Bulgarians at the Battle of Pliska.
  • 1429 – Abdication of Antipope Clement VIII.
  • 1469 – Battle of Edgecot Moor.
  • 1755 – Pope Benedict XIV issues the encyclical Allatae Sunt on the observance of Eastern rites.
  • 1788 – The State of New York ratifies the Constitution of the United States of America and becomes the eleventh state.
  • 1803 – The Surrey Railway opens south of London, perhaps the world’s first public railway.
  • 1805 – A very strong earthquake occurred in the Molise Apennines, in particular in Matese.
  • 1822 – Simon Bolivar and José de San Martin meet in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
  • 1847 – Liberia gains independence.
  • 1861 – American Civil War: George McClellan takes command of the Army of the Potomac after the disastrous Union defeat at the First Battle of Bull Run.
  • 1863 – American Civil War: In Salinville, Ohio, cavalry commander John Hunt Morgan and 360 of his volunteers are captured by Union forces.
  • 1866 – Third Italian War of Independence: The Italians defeat the Austrians at the Battle of Versa, but the city will remain in Italian hands for only a few days, then revert to Austrian forces after the Truce of Cormona.
  • 1878 – In California, the poet and criminal Charles Bowles, better known as Black Bart, commits his final crime by stealing a safe from a Wells Fargo stagecoach while on the run: the chest is later found empty of his treasures and containing a tongue-in-cheek poem
  • 1882 – The first production of Richard Wagner’s opera “Parsifal” took place in Bayreuth.
  • 1887 – L.L. Zamenhof publishes Unua’s book, signing it “Dr. Esperanto”: this is the first text in the “international language”, later renamed Esperanto.
  • 1908 – US Attorney General Charles Joseph Bonaparte immediately issues an order creating the Office of the Chief Examiner, later renamed the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
  • 1934 – In Vienna, Austrian conspirators seize the Chancellery by deceit and assassinate Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss; a bloody coup fails when Italy sends four divisions to the Brenner Pass, whereby Adolf Hitler disavows the conspirators and even prevents their return to Germany
  • 1936 – The Axis powers decide to intervene in the Spanish Civil War on the side of the Spanish Falange.
  • 1941 – World War II: In response to the Japanese occupation of French Indochina, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt orders the confiscation of all Japanese assets in the US.
  • 1943 – German troops begin to flow into Italy via the Brenner Pass as a countermeasure after the distrust of Benito Mussolini by the Fascist Grand Council and his dismissal by King Victor Emmanuel III.
  • (1945
  • The results of the general election in the UK are announced: Labor wins 48% of the vote and a parliamentary majority of 146 seats (the largest in British history after the Second World War), despite the popularity of the leader of the Conservatives, Winston Churchill.
  • Signing of the Potsdam Declaration in Potsdam (Germany)
  • 1947 – Cold War: U.S. President Harry S. Truman passes the National Security Act, founding, among other things, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Defense.
  • 1948 – André Marie becomes prime minister of France.
  • 1953 – Fidel Castro leads an unsuccessful attack on the Moncada barracks, starting the Cuban Revolution.
  • 1956
  • Shipwreck of Andrea Doria
  • Egyptian leader Gamal Abd el-Nasser nationalizes the Suez Canal, attracting international attention
  • 1958 – Explorer Program: Explorer 4 launched.
  • 1963 – Syncom 2, the world’s first geosynchronous satellite, is launched from Cape Canaveral on a Delta B rocket.
  • 1965 – Maldives gains independence from the United Kingdom.
  • 1968 – Vietnam War: South Vietnamese opposition leader Truong Dinh Dzu is sentenced to five years hard labor for proposing to form a coalition government as a way to move closer to ending the war.
  • 1971 – Apollo program: launch of Apollo 15.
  • 1983 – A severe heat wave hitting much of Europe caused many Italian cities to record the hottest temperatures on record; in Florence, the maximum reaches +42.6 ° C
  • 2000 – US federal judge orders Napster to stop sharing copyrighted files within 48 hours.
  • 2005 – 99.5 centimeters of rain fell in Mumbai in 24 hours, causing a flood that killed 1,094 people.
  • 2015 – In the City Park of the Hippodrome of Cesena, a thousand musicians from the Rockin’1000 band record the song Foo Fighters Learn to Fly and then post it on YouTube to convince the US band to play a concert in the city of Romagna; the project will be successful and the Foo Fighter concert will take place on November 3(1)
  • 2016 – Hillary Clinton becomes the first woman from a major US political party to be eligible to run for President of the United States.

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