also DiCaprio, Charlize Theron and Brad Pitt among “Do not wash” MilleUnaDONNA

Can ecology be a good excuse for not washing often and not putting clothes in the washing machine? Many people think so, rejecting the label of dirty and among them are VIPs of the caliber of Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Stella McCartney and Charlize Theron. For followers of the No Wash movement, literally no washing.All you have to do is wash your jeans once a year, hang your used clothes out the window, shower once a week, and use vinegar to remove sweat from your shirts. Their choice is made to protect the environment, and those who adhere to it are looking for alternatives to the use of water and chemical detergents to reduce energy costs.

Extraordinary hygiene and climate

No Laundry comes from the premise that every citizen must change their habits in order to cope with the problem of pollution, global warming and climate catastrophe. The idea is also a little bit that too much hygiene hurts and that there really is no need to wash your clothes as often as your body.. Reducing laundry has a negligible environmental impact in terms of less water waste, less use of polluting detergents, less electricity use, less greenhouse gas emissions to combat the climate emergency.

Competition “Do not erase.”

There are even those who participate in real competitions, wear clothes without washing them for a year, those who spray vinegar or vodka on their armpits for flavoring and protection against bacteria, those who leave their clothes out at night in the fresh air.

From Stella McCartney to Leonardo DiCaprio, VIPs who don’t wash.

British designer Stella McCartney, awarded by King Charles for her commitment to sustainable fashion, admitted that she only launders clothes when absolutely necessary. “I don’t change my bra every day or throw something in the washing machine just because I put it on. I am a very hygienic person, but I am not a fan of washing, drying, or any kind of cleaning at all. And that, the designer repeats, means not being dirty or unhygienic, but being mindful of the environment.” Other famous people join the No Wash movement, such as Charlize Theron, who claims to shower only once a week, Leonardo DiCaprio is always at the forefront of protecting the environment and against deodorants. Instead, Brad Pitt often uses wet wipes.which however pollute the same.

What the expert says

According to Carlo Signorelli, Professor of Hygiene at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan, quoted in Messenger, bad idea: “viruses and bacteria settle on clothes”. Instead, the professor suggests that you wash clothes that come into contact with the skin often, perhaps at a low temperature and with environmentally friendly detergents.

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