An Israeli minister announces: “The execution of Palestinian prisoners”

According to the news of the Israeli newspaper Maariv, the far-right minister Ben Gvir said, “Parliament will discuss preparations for the first vote on the draft law stipulating the death penalty for Palestinian prisoners on Monday.”

Ben Gvir stated that the party that proposed the draft law on the execution of Palestinian prisoners is the Jewish Power Party, which he leads, and that they expect all representatives in Parliament to support it.

It was also discussed in March

In March, the Israeli parliament approved a draft law presented by Ben Gvir in the preliminary session, which allows the death penalty to be imposed on Palestinian prisoners convicted of killing Israelis. The bill, which was supported by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, sparked a reaction from the Palestinians.

In order for the bill to enter into force, it must be put to a vote in three more sessions after the preliminary session.

The death penalty was carried out once in Israel

There is no death penalty in civil courts in Israel. In military courts, this punishment can be imposed in very exceptional cases. This force was used only once in Israel’s history, against a former Nazi criminal, in a case in 1962.

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