Andalusia launches coronavirus and influenza vaccination campaign for people over 70 years old

The Junta Andalusia’s influenza and COVID vaccination campaign for the current 2023-2024 academic year began on October 9, with the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Junta Andalusia receiving the doses needed to jointly distribute both vaccines. Since then, a total of 53,613 doses of influenza vaccine and 45,078 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered to people over 85, health professionals and inmates in nursing homes or disability centres, representing 14% and 11% of the population respectively. .The second issue started yesterday, covering all the above people 70 yearspeople with dangerous medical conditions, highly dependent people and pregnant women.

Vaccination rates in first week October 9-15 The ratio is particularly high in nursing homes and disability centres. In just a few days, four out of every 10 inmates were vaccinated. However, the data reflects uneven progress in the campaign: while 16,874 doses of flu vaccine have been administered (43% of the total), the number of people vaccinated against COVID-19 has dropped to 14,988 (38%).

As far as people are concerned Over 85 years oldTo date, 31,329 people have been vaccinated against influenza, accounting for 14.4% of the population in this age group; the current COVID-19 vaccine coverage rate is 12.1%, with a total of 26,391 doses of vaccine administered. Finally, only 4.2% of professionals from health and social care centres, residential and disability centres, and only 2.8% had received a flu vaccine during the first week.

Based on these data, the Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs, Catalina GarciaYesterday, the appeal for people to be vaccinated within the deadlines set for each age group was reiterated: “Andalusians have always been very responsible in all vaccination campaigns.”

The next phase of the 2023-2024 vaccination campaign will begin on October 30, when one of the main measures implemented by the military government of Andalusia to this end will be implemented.Vaccine available to everyone for first time Over 60 years oldthus raising the age at which health authorities offer dual vaccination.

Andalusia’s health service aims to surpass the record of the 2022-2023 campaign, when Andalusia reached a record total number of vaccinations 1,953,383 doses in total. Vaccination rates exceeded 70% among people over 65 years old; 46% among children aged 6 to 59 months, 81.3% among pregnant women; and 50.6% among health and social care professionals.

To this end, the Andalusian government purchased 7.5% more influenza vaccines than in 2022, equivalent to 2.2 million available. In addition, we chose to double vaccinate in as many cases as possible, thereby avoiding a large number of people who requested a flu vaccine but did not receive a COVID vaccine.

RSV vaccine

At the same time, the military junta in Andalusia was carrying out a campaign against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) This is the leading cause of respiratory infections such as bronchiolitis or pneumonia in minors. Since September 25, 26,972 doses have been administered, accounting for 42% of the planned vaccinations. The majority of the vaccinated population was born between April 1 and September 30, with a total of 23,083 minors and a further 1,206 born since October 1. The goal of the campaign is this year to prevent the respiratory illness caused by the virus, which hospitalized a total of 301 minors in Andalusia last year. Catalina GarcĂ­a, Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Government of Andalusia, expressed her satisfaction with the results of the event.

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