Andalusia, one of the pioneer communities in comprehensive treatment of viral hepatitis

Webinar images on addressing viral hepatitis

The Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs, through the Directorate General of Public Health and Drug Regulation, convened a meeting Internet Conference About 120 professionals participated in the “Challenges and Progress of the Strategic Plan to Address Viral Hepatitis in Andalusia”.

Previously, about thirty professionals from the Andalusian public health system, different provinces and professions participated in a working group meeting organized in partnership with the Andalusian School of Public Health, where operational and methodological solutions that will shape future strategic plans were discussed this disease.

The webinar was opened by Jorge del Diego, General Manager of the Department of Public Health and Drug Regulation. Next, the day was organized around two round tables that analyzed the situation on the one hand – epidemiology, qualitative opinions of patients and professionals – and presented the challenges of the program on the other.

Andalusia was one of the first communities autonomy Proposed unification into a single strategy Take a comprehensive, joined-up approach All viral hepatitis (A, B, C, D and E).

Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E viruses can cause acute infection and inflammation of the liver. For hepatitis B, C, and D viruses, infection may also become chronic and progress to cirrhosis and liver cancer. Viral hepatitis B and C are major public health concerns to the World Health Organization and a cause of liver cancer.

Essentials of a plan to deal with viral hepatitis

Having established the boundaries for hepatitis C elimination, Strategic plan to combat viral hepatitis in Andalusia Challenge others three new lines.

One of them is facing Solving Hepatitis Ain particular with regard to case surveillance and early detection of outbreaks, actions are recommended in conjunction with sexually transmitted infection (STI) control strategies.

Another line of focus Hepatitis B and Dprioritizing hepatitis B vaccination for migrants and increasing access to diagnosis and treatment.

Finally, the line Hepatitis E It also highlights surveillance, early detection and access to treatment as key challenges.

Hepatitis incidence

in Andalusia Prevalence The overall infection rate of hepatitis C and hepatitis B is 3.5%, and it is more common in men aged 50 to 59 years.

Regarding hepatitis A, Andalusia currently has a low prevalence, with an incidence rate of 1.03 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (2022), which has shown a downward trend in recent years. The incidence of hepatitis E is also low.

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