ANEP releases advice on preventing strep throat and scarlet fever

The National Agency for Public Education (ANEP), at the request of the Ministry of Public Health (MSP), follows the recommendations made in response to the increase in streptococcal cases common at this time of year, in order to contribute to epidemiological surveillance and prevention. The Directorate of Health of the ANEP Department reminds the director of the Education Center to pay attention to the recommendations for the prevention of strep throat and scarlet fever.
– Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and use a mask
– Wash your hands often
-Avoid sharing glasses, bottles, cutlery, towels and other personal items
-Ventilate the room every day
-Clean and disinfect surfaces and toys
-Avoid overcrowding
Boys and girls with respiratory symptoms, including sore throat, should not attend educational or sports centers or social gatherings. To resume activities after having strep throat or scarlet fever, you must be symptom-free for more than 24 hours and have been treated with antibiotics for more than 24 hours.
if it breaks out
In the event of an outbreak in an educational center, where two or more cases are linked to each other (e.g. in the same class, at events, in a shared cafeteria), the MSP must be notified for epidemiological surveillance, taking into account the following guidelines:
– Scarlet fever cases will be notified to the MSP only in outbreak situations (two or more epidemiologically related cases) or if hospitalization in a health facility is required and within 24 hours of receipt of the information.
– Reporting of outbreaks or hospitalizations will be via a spreadsheet provided by MSP (available upon request at
– There are various communication options available via mobile phone 092 216 760 (call or message) and email

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